Raising Godly Children | Part I


June 09, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


“And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish.”


It’s well been said that the head of the home is the husband, but the heart of the home is the mother. Perhaps the most powerful and influential class of people in the world today are mothers.

1 Samuel 1 tells the story of Hannah, a barren woman who wanted more than anything else to have a son. After much prayer, God gave Hannah a son named Samuel who was considered one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament.

Hannah’s story offers five powerful principles for raising godly children.

The first is the Principle of Proper Priority. Hannah had a God-given instinct to be a mother. She recognized that there is no greater earthly blessing than children.

The second principle is the Power of Prayer. The time to begin to raise godly children is before they’re born and even before they’re conceived.

Hannah is one of several women in the Bible who were considered barren and were later given children by God; other examples are Sarah, Rachel, Ruth, and Elizabeth. Their children went on to bless the world and glorify God. Understanding this, we should begin praying for our children before they are ever conceived.


  • God gave Hannah an instinct to be a mother. What are some instincts God has given you?
  • Hannah prayed about the desires of her heart to be a mother. How likely are you to bring the desires of your heart before the Lord in prayer?


Write out some instincts God has given you and think about ways you might use them to glorify Him.

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