Evangelical Christianity Is Seen As ‘an Absolute Joke,’ Francis Chan is urging leaders in evangelical Christianity to encounter God and to make worship sacred and reverent again


It breaks my heart….it certainly is not happening in Churches that I preach at or in many of the Churches my Pastor friends oversee. The problem is that way too many Churches in America are not preaching the gospel, I have said that for years and we are paying a deep price here in America. For far too many Churches, money has become so important, among other evils. Many have made the Church a business. Here at FGGAM we minister to many folks that do not belong to a Church. The top reason is they do not think the Church is effective in America in changing the Country back to good and that it has become way too involved in supporting ungodly politicians. They also see the Church as a divider, not a Uniter.  Remember politics is the playground of Satan. Here at FGGAM we stand in the gap for God and will call our Republicans, Democrats, Independents, all politicians when they go against God, when they attack women, when they attack men, when they use foul language, which seems to be part of the vocabulary for far to many. I do not want any of my kids or grandbabies looking up to these folks, and thinking this is acceptable behavior.

During the week I talk to several people, it will be 9 years since we God established FGGAM as a nondenominational ministry. We have reached over 7 million people for God’s Glory Alone. God told me when He established FGGAM, to reach one person at a time. I have found in the almost 9 years, and before that at KKIM Christian radio, people are hungry for LOVE AND TRUTH! If you build bridges of love to the people searching, and then share the truth, in most cases it is well received.

A year after reporting the largest single-year membership decline in more than 100 years, churches in the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, lost more than 400,000 members in 2020 and set a new record for the single-year decline amid the coronavirus pandemic and a bitter culture war.

The Annual Church Profile report shows membership in SBC congregations declined by a staggering 435,632 in 2020, more than 50% higher than the 287,655 members the denomination reported losing from 2018 to 2019.

From Adrian Rogers:

The Priority of Evangelism


Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.


The wisest thing we could do in the eyes of God is to remain faithful in evangelism. The soul is of great worth; Jesus died upon the cross, paying the price with His blood and agony to show how much He desired our souls.

Our souls are also valuable because of their durability. When God made the human soul, He made it in His own image, therefore, it is endless, timeless, dateless, and measureless.

Every soul has the potential to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ or to spend eternity in the pits of Hell.

We would be wise to evangelize because it is the command of Christ. We remember that we are programmed to go forth (Psalm 126:6); nothing takes the place of going. It’s not enough to “live good lives,” because our lives are not what save souls—salvation through Jesus’s death and resurrection is what saves souls.


  • What stops you from going to others with the good news of the Gospel?
  • How does it change your perspective on evangelism to remember that every person is made in the image of God and will spend eternity either with God or in Hell?


Ask God who He is calling to you to go to this week. How will you live out that call?



Stephanie Martin

As the church heads into what he calls “a new season,” pastor and author Francis Chan is urging leaders in evangelical Christianity to encounter God and to make worship sacred and reverent again. In a message last week at the Exponential Reset Summit, Chan addressed the recent wave of high-profile Christians who have “deconstructed,” or left the faith. He also encouraged pastors to focus more on the vertical nature of faith and worship.

Evangelical Christianity: So Many Are ‘Walking Away’

At this year’s online Reset Summit, speakers addressed ways to “lead with confidence in the post-COVID church.” Chan spoke of the troubling trend of well-known Christians who have publicly abandoned the fold.

Evangelical Christianity Is Seen As ‘an Absolute Joke,’ Warns Francis Chan

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