PASTOR DEWEY NOTE: Please be so very careful of People who use God to make money, avoid them at all cost! Also beware of fake healing products. QUACK! QUACK! WAY TO MANY CHRISTIAN TV AND RADIO STATIONS HAVE TO MUCH JUNK ON! THE INTERNET IS FULL OF THEM! BEWARE!!!
Fake Church Leader Mark Grenon, Sons Sold $1m Worth of Toxic ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’: DOJ
(The Christian Post) A Florida father of eight and fake church leader who marketed toxic bleach as a “Miracle Mineral Solution” to cure ailments including COVID-19, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, autism and HIV/AIDS, sold more than $1 million worth of the product to desperate followers.
And for that, along with defying federal court orders, Mark Grenon, the 62-year-old father who serves as leader of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing (not a Christian church), and his three sons — Jonathan Grenon, 34, Jordan Grenon, 26, and Joseph Grenon, 32 — were all indicted by a federal grand jury in Miami the Department of Justice announced Friday. More Here