Pastor of New Mexico Richard Mansfield

From Bob Russell: “The good shepherd leads the sheep: He “leads them out” (John 10:3). Jesus never coerces us; He invites us to follow Him. A good pastor does not manipulate or threaten the flock. The people have such love and respect for him that they instinctively follow. That is why integrity and consistency represent essential virtues for pastors. Ministers inspire people to follow them whenever the people can trust their shepherd to guide them to green pastures. The pastor understands that he is their shining example.”
I was so excited to see this story on Facebook!!! It made me think about all the encouragement I have received over the years from Pastor Richard Mansfield. I got a kick out of Pastor Richard being referred to as ‘Pastor of New Mexico’ in the write up! HE IS! I have written a few times in the last 14 years or so how a lovely lady contacted me years ago at KIIM Christian Radio and she wanted to share with me she had just gotten married and Pastor Richard had officiated the wedding. She was so very excited by the love and care Pastor Richard showed her and her husband and entire family! She said, “You know he is ther Pastor of New Mexico!” I have heard that more than a few times in my time here in New Mexico. I beleive if Pastor Richard ran for Governor he would win! You know why??? He loves God, has an awesome wife in Cindy, and he is a uniter not a divider! Pastor Richard loves people, he sincerely cares for all, deep down into his heart and soul. He has been so loving to me and Sharon, he gave me the opportunity to preach at his Church one time, it helped me in my confidence, to march on in the love and truth of Jesus. Richard has helped me in many ways, praying for us, helping me get connected with funeral homes to be available, to do services for people that do not have a Pastor and many other aspects of my life and ministry. We need more Richard’s and Cindy’s that will bring us all together in the love of Jesus, as the love of Jesus and His Word is the only thing that is going to save our Country.
Richard, I do miss the Church sign at the corner of Montgomery and Carlisle! I miss those messages posted on that sign!
Sharon and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you have done for us! We are so grateful for you and Cindy and your congregation and ministry!
As I typed this story many of the things you have done for us came to my mind….the list is very long………..we are forever and ever so very grateful Dear Freind!
I close in saying that Pastor Richard reminds me of Pastor Larry Moss who was a father to many Pastors in New Mexico, he helped them ‘GROW UP’ Larry did the same for me, I will always remember many things Larry told me, the same goes for all the wisdom Richard has shared with me over the years.
PS: Can you even imagine getting a new Church ready and your son gets in a horrible accident, like Richard and Cindy’s son Ricky, who spent weeks recovering and then Richard comes down with COVID? The whole family is such an awesome testimony to us all what REAL FAITH is!


By Carl Stagner

For more than a decade, the prominent storefront along busy Montgomery Boulevard had built a reputation for the unwholesome. Even before the out-of-state owners of the entertainment chain opened its Albuquerque location in 2003, residents and tenants expressed concern over the inevitable consequences of a hub for nightlife in their neighborhood. A mile to the west, another thing was happening, not involving spirits, but the Holy Spirit. Ultimately the night club closed, and New Beginnings Church of God outgrew their building. Instead of breaking ground at the edge of town, the thriving congregation opted to remain in their community and reclaim the vacant storefront for Christ.


Top Characteristics of a Good Shepherd

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