NM Legislative News: SB 10 Abortion Up to Birth Bill Passes House Judiciary, Now to House Floor For Vote, Health Committee Punts Marijuana Bill, With Issues, to Next Committee


Several items for you this afternoon from the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. We start first with this very sad news from Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance for Life:

BREAKING: SB 10 Abortion Up to Birth Bill passes House Judiciary committee on party-line 8-4 vote
My prayer is that those in New Mexico that are voting for pro abortion politicians year after year will see the light of Jesus. New Mexico has a very, very dark cloud of death over it, all the babies that are killed every year through abortion. It is a shame. My heart breaks. Not caring about God’s babies just breaks my heart so very much, it makes me weep.
Please call your State Senator & Representatives and tell them to vote NO on SB10.
From Pastor Richard Mansfield: When we continue to do the right things even in the times of difficulties, God will fit us into his great plan.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9

From Joni Eareckson Tada:

An extraordinary thing happened to Moses when he was old and weary. You know the story. The people of God were about to enter the Promised Land, and Moses pronounces on them a special blessing. Deuteronomy 33:16 records his words. He blesses the people “with the favor of the one who appeared in the burning bush.” Wow! It had been over 100 years since that extraordinary moment when God first called Moses, but he never forgot it. Oh sure, he was old and tired, but through all those years, his “burning bush” moment remained a precious treasure in his heart. So today, if you are feeling tired and weary, think back on your own moment when God first called you into his service. That burning bush moment, as it were. Remember it. Remember your passion. And then remember God’s call, and be encouraged to keep on serving.

Health committee punts marijuana bill, with issues, to next committee

Santa Fe, NM- Marijuana legislation was heard in the House Health and Human Services Committee today. Saturday, HB 12 and HB 17 were up for public comment, and in the second day of committee hearing, HB 12 passing the committee and a separate measure, HB 17, was tabled. In the 60-day legislative session, three different versions of legalization have been brought up for consideration in both chambers—HB 12, HB 17 and its identical bill SB 13, and SB 288.

“It is frustrating that we continue to discuss major social and economic concerns with these bills only to agree to pass them on to another committee,” said Representative Gail Armstrong (R-Magdalena). “Both House bills have good and bad, but having drastically different versions, including those in the Senate, leads to confusion about the legalization process.  It appears we are focusing more on getting a bill passed rather than how these bills will impact our communities.”

House Democrat lawmakers are framing legalization as a silver arrow, designed to alleviate New Mexico’s economic problems.  However, according to the Tax Foundation, legalization in the state is predicted to bring in approximately $61 million in revenue, representative of a small portion of the state’s $7 billion dollar budget, while the potential societal costs of legalization have not been quantified. The Governor’s economic shutdown, and $2 billion dollar spending splurge in her first two years, are expected to reign significant financial repercussions on the state that had just come out of the great recession, are just a few of the reasons why House Democrats continue to push the budgetary benefits of legalization.

“A major concern with these bills is that they tie the hands of law enforcement.” said Rep. Luis Terrazas (R-Silver City). “I am concerned that with so many other issues surrounding legalization, we may be setting this bill up to fail, and ultimately harm our state in the process. Even though I do not agree with this legislation, the legislation we heard today is premature and not ready to become law.”

Senate Committee Advances Legislation to Provide Legislative Involvement in Emergency Declarations and Orders

SANTA FE – Senate Bill 74 (SB 74), sponsored by Republican Leader, Senator Greg Baca (District 29-Bernalillo and Valencia), cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee today with overwhelming bipartisan support. If enacted, SB 74 would require legislative involvement in the renewing or amending of public health orders and emergency declarations.

“I want to thank my colleagues for their continued willingness to build bipartisan consensus on this important legislation,” said Senator Baca. “Today, we took a step as Legislators to create some balance among our branches of government and to better exercise the authority given to us by our voters and the New Mexico Constitution.”

Under the proposed SB 74, legislative approval would be required for orders and declarations after 45 days. This approval would be done by Joint Resolution of the Legislature, or if the Legislature is not in Session, by a majority vote of the interim Legislative Council committee. The Legislative Council is comprised of Democratic and Republican members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and meets monthly when the Legislature is not in Session.

SB 74 will now advance to the full Senate for consideration.

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