Hello Friends. Many of you that know me, know that I’m a very private person and don’t share too many of my personal details. I normally wouldn’t share this either, but I have seen on social media and talked to friends and family that still question whether COVID19 is a real thing.
Many people don’t know, but I was diagnosed with Covid19 around December 22 and spent 20 days in the hospital. I was careful, masked up, social distanced and still contracted the virus. I was diagnosed with covid pneumonia. My oxygen levels were falling to 55 percent, and on January 1, I checked myself into the emergency room. (I am fairly healthy and have no underlying health conditions)
On night number 4, around 1130 pm a doctor woke me up to tell me that my oxygen levels were not stabilizing and if they didn’t stabilize within the next 24 hours, they would more than likely have to transfer me to the ICU. She also told me that if I had to be intubated, my chances of survival go down by 50 percent. Try to deal with that news in the middle of the night, alone and virtually incapacitated. (It was one of the scariest times of my life)
Thankfully, I did not have to be intubated, but I am one of the lucky ones. I have lost friends to this horrible virus. I am going on 60 days and my lungs are still healing. I would not wish what I went thru on my worst enemy. If I had the ability to take the vaccine, I would have done it in a heartbeat.
Friends, again this is real and I have lost friends to this virus. Please mask up, social distance, stay diligent and get the vaccine. If not for you, don’t take the chance of a loved one contracting this virus.
I want to thank the doctors, nurses and staff at UNM/Sandoval hospital. You were great. I also want to thank my family, friends and colleagues that have been so good to me during this time. Thank you for the prayers, food and other support that you have given me.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You don’t want to be one the statistics.
God Bless and stay safe!