It has been the toughest year ever for me, and maybe for you also. The world considers me and my ways old, old fashion. I stand up for my GOD and strive to be Biblically correct in all I do, all I say and write, to love in all I do. Sometimes it has to be tough love. Sometimes I make mistakes. I have always loved elderly folks, I am now one of them. When I was 16 I was driving Grandpa and Grandpa Caraway to the doctors and long distance to see relatives. I have always respected and loved the elderly. I have learned so much from them. I feel the same about the children of the world! I love them and I learn from them. We just had our 3rd grandchild.
My heart breaks for what is going on in our country, so many, many evil things. I get up early in the morning before all the ‘nothing noise’ starts. Last night I saw this report…….it makes me weep………..
A wave of violent attacks renews focus on anti-Asian racism
I got this very early this morning:
I JUST GOT THIS MESSAGE FROM PASTOR RUBEN GOMEZ IN MIDLAND TEXAS!!! It is just what I need to hear today!!!!!!!!!
When all things seem bleak, you are destine
to be a beautiful and colorful human being
to bring hope to the bleak world.
Love you Pastor Ruben and Lucy!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH!
It has been very, very tough in the pulpit and newsroom for over a year now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My LORD and friends propel me on!!! SHARON IS BY MYSIDE AND ALSO DAISY!
I so much love the ministry of Joni Eareckson Tada! So very thankful for her! This morning at
FGGAM.ORG she writes: Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
Psalm 100:2
I receive enormous satisfaction when I’m serving God with a happy heart. I better do that, because it’s a command! Psalm 100:2 says, “Serve the Lord with gladness.” And that word serve is an imperative. And those who do not serve God with a glad and willing heart cancel out the benefits their service could have won them. Charles Spurgeon put it this way; he said, “Those who serve God with a sad countenance, because their service feels unpleasant, are not serving him at all; they bring the form of homage, but the life is absent. God does not want slaves to grace his throne; he wants his servants dressed in joy.” Oh, friend, do you serve the Lord with gladness? I hope so, for ’cause it’s a divine command given for your benefit, both here and in the hereafter. Ask God to infuse life into your service and then be glad!
Read more from Joni and all of the writers for God at
FGGAM.ORG! We love you all!