We are in a season of where we need to be more considerate of our brothers and sisters, and put your own way, aside

I am so very thankful for this message from our Dear Friend Jess! God Bless you Sister! Merry Christmas to you and yours! We love you all so very much! This is one of my most favorite verses that I try to do everyday I love…..serve others, put others before myself Mark 10:45…”For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

 We our in a season of where we need to be more considerate of our brothers and sisters, and put your own way, aside. We are living in a pandemic. If that means wearing a mask, wear a mask. Do I like it, absolutely not but if it saves a life and helps, I will do it. Before you remind me of my jokes, I regrettably remember them and I am sorry; I was wrong and naïve.

Over the course of the last two weeks, prayer requests have multiplied, I’ve prayed for and with many. Some have made it and some have not and some are still fighting their fight. My heart is heavy and I’ve cried so many tears.
What really disgusts me is people who are positive and are out and about just because they don’t feel too bad. Shame on you, how selfish is that.
We are called to love our neighbor and love means being selfless and not demanding our own way. Doing good for the better.
Looks like we need to take it back to the basics on WWJD! He wouldn’t demand his rights, He would be loving on the needs of others. The cross was the ultimate act of selflessness. Show more love and selflessness 🙏🏼

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