Right now I have 12 friends who have COVID. One of my friends Midge Harwood is on a respirator in Minot, North Dakota, the Doctor says she has a 50% chance of surviving. Midge is a former member of the First Baptist Church in Reserve. I have three Pastor friends who have COVID. I have one friend who had COVID months ago and is still dealing with medical problems from it, as her hubby says, “its nothing to fool with.” The Pandemic is worsening. Man is learning that it cannot control this virus. As one friend texted me late last night, “I think everyone is going to get COVID.” God is trying to teach us many things. Every life is precious. This year has been tough on all of us…….I am still mourning the loss of four best friends this year.
NM Legislator shares her story of COVID-19 battle
I beleive that when Governor Lujan Grisham has her COVID report this week she will lockdown the state even more. Will that help? Frankly, I do not know, only God knows our future. We have to continue to worship, we have remained open at FBC in Reserve through all this, people need to work that is for sure. Unemployment funds have dried up or are drying up. This is a Catch 22 situation. With our Country so very divided on so very many issues, it causes many depression and anxiety, I have so many that I am working with by phone to help them during these dark times.
This division in America has created so very much deep sadness.
America continues to turn away from God…….
As we have been reporting for years the Dems push abortion and pot. The push continues to legalize pot in the upcoming New Mexico 2021 Legislative session. These folks just see the $$$ signs. The Governor will also continue to push her abortion agenda. We have such a mess here in New Mexico, this is what happens when God is left out. God cannot fully bless New Mexico as it continues to kill His babies. Shame on New Mexico, known to many as the Abortion Capitol! NOW POT HEADS DRIVING!!!???!!?? So very, very unBiblical. Can the state invest in Godly things? Can New Mexico change for God?
Francis Shaeffer said, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by the permission of the church.”
I wanted to share this impactful quote by Francis Shaeffer. If you are not familiar with his works click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Schaeffer
Where is the salt Church? “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Matthew 5:13
As the great man of God Chuck Colson said years ago, “The American Church has turned into a high school pep rally.”
From Dr. Jim Denison: According to LifeWay Research, only 54 percent of Americans believe hell is a real place where certain people will be punished forever. This despite the fact that hell is mentioned twenty-three times in the New Testament, fifteen of these times by Jesus. The Bible describes it as the “punishment of eternal fire” (Jude 7), “outer darkness” (Matthew 22:13), and permanent separation from God (Luke 16:26) as the “second death” (Revelation 20:14).
Only 10 percent of Christian churchgoers say they share their faith with a lost person at least once a month. When last did you?
Hello Church?
I Strongly Suggest You Read This Book By The Great Man of God Chuck Colson
Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience
From Frank Haley KDAZ-am&fm-KCHF-TV News for Wednesday Nov. 11, 2020 Veterans Day
ALBUQUERQUE — Top medical officers for some of New Mexico’s largest hospital systems say they are now at or above normal capacity as the coronavirus pandemic surges across the state. They are seeing a strain on staff and they won’t be able to sustain the pace over the long term. New Mexico set another record with 1,418 additional COVID-19 cases reported in a single day yesterday. Presbyterian Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jason Mitchell says hospitals are operating under contingency plans. He’s among those pleading with people to stay home to curb the spread of the virus.
SANTA FE — After three weeks of trying to make in-person learning work, Santa Fe Public Schools are calling it quits. With the city posting its own record numbers of COVID-19 cases and hospital beds filling up, Superintendent Veronica García says it is time to pump the brakes. Around 200 elementary school students had been allowed in-person learning thanks to 58 school teachers and other staff who volunteered to teach. Starting Nov. 20, the district will return to remote-only classes. The news comes as more students in Santa Fe and around the state are failing at least one class.
RIO RANCHO —And the Rio Rancho School Board decided to pull the plug on in-person learning Tuesday and transition back to online-only learning amid rising COVID cases.
Although school leaders said the hybrid learning model has been successful, circumstances over the last few weeks have drastically changed.
Albuquerque Public Schools said they’re still working on plans for an in-person hybrid model.
State lawmakers received a statewide school report last month, which showed that many more students than normal were failing in school.
Texas becomes 1st state to surpass 1 million COVID-19 cases
Texas’ grim distinction as the national leader in COVID-19 infections came as little surprise to some local medical experts, who blamed politicians for conflicting messages about the virus and warned the worst is yet to come.
Read in Houston Chronicle: https://apple.news/ACt2uvIHMTcKBzb_yokoPCw
Shared from Apple News

Open Mind; I Think Not
In the years just prior to my salvation experience and new life in Christ Jesus, Satanism was my “religion” of choice. I was pursuing him, the evil one, to teach me things that I was so hastily seeking to know. I desired him to fill my mind with knowledge to do supernatural things in one particular grave yard. He was more than willing to oblige.
Satan’s greatest goal and achievement in man is mind control. If he can control your mind he has your body for action. It is all about lies, deceptions, and destruction. I am telling you this first of all as a warning, and the reason I am so set against any substance, be it alcohol or any mind altering drug, even some approved drugs.
When a substance has altered, or clouded my thinking, I have just opened the door to my mind and the demonic strolls in and takes charge. (Some forms of music have this ability to control mind and emotion as well. Ask natives of superstitious cults in remote areas who have come out, what they would do to call out demons. It was music/drums/chanting and natural mind altering drugs).
I have enough trouble keeping satanic influence out of my natural mind and emotions. I will not help him by numbing my mind from truth.
Secondly, to the believer, you need to understand that Satan does not need to possess your total body to control your life. All he needs is to plant his thoughts, suggestions, temptations, lies and deceptions into your mind. He then watches to see if you naively act on those things. If he sees you are prone to believe or accept these influences as being truth for you in the moment, he will feed you with more. Very soon, he is controlling your mind and you act accordingly, by your choosing. You believe you are right in what you are thinking, speaking and acting. Why do you think so many churches are struggling within their own membership?
When Jesus was incarnate, by choice because of His never ending love for you, He deliberately laid aside all the prerogatives of being God, and chose to be as we are. All of His wisdom, strength, and determination came through the Spirit by prayer with the Father.
When the Spirit led Him into the wilderness for 40 days of fasting and prayer, the enemy approached Him in His physical weakness from hunger thinking He would be an easy target for his deceptive traps. Satan thought that if the body was weak, so too the mind. (Luke 4:1-13)
What the devil did not realize was that Jesus’ spirit and mind had been fully nourished and strengthened by every Word from God. He answered each tempting challenge with the Father’s Word brought to mind by the Spirit to overcome the lies and false promises.
“Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.
14 Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region.” (Luke 4:13-14)
Notice that after Jesus’ baptism and being filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit led Him into the wilderness, but after a season of fasting and prayer, Jesus came back in the power of the Holy Spirit, which had defeated the evil one’s advances toward His mind.
American churches are so divided today because of fear, panic, anger, political fervor, and depression, all of which have weakened our spiritual concentration to recognize the onslaughts and deceptions of the evil one in our midst. What is needful right now is for believers to fast and pray for extended periods; even fasting from media influences about the things that cloud our best judgments.
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5)
Church, take your mind into the silence of a wilderness journey led by the Spirit for a season of fasting and prayer, leaving behind all anxiousness and personal agendas. Solitude; simply and powerfully, only you and the Spirit of God, seeking together His face and you will find His agenda; follow that faithfully!
Church, Wake Up; Come Alive! Pray On!