November 24, 2020
Today’s Daily Devotional
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God…”
Are constant, vigilant prayer and thanksgiving even possible for us human beings? Yes! Behind every command of God, like “Fear not,” “Don’t be anxious,” “Be thankful,” is the omnipotent power of God to carry it out. Giving thanks is one of the keys to answered prayer. Why should we ask God for more when we’ve not thanked Him for what He’s already given us and already done? Think about it.
Now, there’s a difference between praise and thanksgiving. Praise is reverencing God for who He is; Thanksgiving is recognizing what He’s done. The two are inextricably interwoven, but they’re not exactly the same. Both are absolutely necessary. The person who is not “praiseful” will never be thankful.
Gratitude is what spoils life when it’s left out. If we don’t learn thanksgiving, we become self-centered, then unlovable and unloving. We will live in our own little world, locked up inside ourselves. When we get that way, we make a mighty small package.
If you want to sing in your heart, to be an attractive person to be around, to have your prayers answered, or to have the strength to endure tribulation, you’d better learn to praise and thank God.
It’s sad to see bitter, broken people who’ve never learned to be thankful. But when you’re thankful, your eyes are opened, and the blinders are taken off. A thankful person is open to God and to others.
Have you ever kept a “gratitude journal”? Get an inexpensive journal and each day write down something you’re grateful for that day. By the end of thirty days, if you’ve been paying attention to all you have and all God has done, your journal might be full.
Start that journal this week.
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What better way to know Jesus than through His names? Use the card set in your devotional time, place them in your Bible as bookmarks, or give them as gifts. Find this new product & other gift ideas in our online store. And don’t miss the 10% discount for online purchases of $50 or more on selected products.
Whatever Christmas looks like for you this year, we hope you’ll experience the love of Jesus Christ in a profound way. Love Worth Finding invites you to Experience Christmas in many ways with us this Christmas. Learn more!
A Gallup poll found that 72% of the American people believe in Heaven, 60% believe in Hell, and only 4% think they are going to Hell. That leaves a vast majority believing they’re going to Heaven, but as the old Gospel song says, “Everybody talkin’ ’bout heav’n ain’t goin’ there.” Read more about Heaven in this article.
Give NOW so we can GIVE BACK this #GivingTuesday. This year, rather than asking for a gift on Giving Tuesday, LWF wants to change it up a little and give God’s love away on Giving Tuesday. Visit LoveWorthGiving.org to learn more and help us share the love of Jesus during this upcoming season of thanks and giving.