America is digging its own grave……

I have been preaching on this for years…….politics for many Americans has replaced God on the throne. It is one key reason why we here in America are in such a mess…….everything is political for so many! Many in this country are playing in the pig pen and getting very muddy! Politics is dirty business. Listen, in all my years as a news reporter and Pastor, I have had Republicans and Democrats lie to me and over promise and under deliver. This is why I am an Independent! I vet my candidates by the Word of God, that includes of course, do they use bad language?, do they call people ‘bad names’?, I do not know if people in todays world know what that term means and also do they lie?, how do they treat spouse, and children, are they producing fruit?, Do they bring solutions to the table or just “nothing noise” broken promises? Do they have a Pastor?, Do they Attend Church?, Are they active in their Church? ARE THEY PRO-LIFE?…….  There are excellent politicians out there, but too few. The testimony that many Christians are showing the world is just what an unbelieving world wants to see, crazy and misbehaving Christians. We are to be Ambassadors for Christ. Don’t make people a God!

America needs a peacemaker………it always has had one, JESUS CHRIST, but many are blind.

We continue down the road to hell as a Country.

This post is another reason I am not popular in this world, it never has been my intent, I was called by God to report HIM and HIS ways!

One of my posts today got flagged by Facebook for ‘false information’ they need to talk to God. You see my friend, I am almost 65 years old I started in the news business in 1978 as a producer/reporter for the Minnesota State News Network. News reporters were trained to be impartial. I do not know any reporter nowadays that is impartial, we were trained in journalism class to report the facts and check your sources three times. I oversaw a 6 person news department at WFRN Christian radio in Elkhart/South Bend, Indiana. We had the legendary Marv Boone as our news director. I am tired of the news reporters of this day and very tired of the politicians of the day. Not all have big egos’, but so many reporters and politicians have a HUGE EGO! You know what EGO stands for? Edging GOD Out! The last politician that was so honest and hard hardworking that I have known is George Mann, who served in the Minnesota Legislature back in the 60’s and I think George served into the 70’s, I will have to check, my memory fails me at this point. George farmed outside of my home town of Windom, Minnesota and represented us so very well. As we said back in the day, “He was honest as the day is long.” A highway was named after him. I’m old and seasoned, I see the sickness in America very clear.

We used to say back home, “Show me a poor politician and I’ll show you an honest one.”

As my Dear Friend Shari Johnson the “Jesus Chick” says, Politics is Satan’s playground.

3 Warning Signs Politics Is Becoming Your Religion

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