Your Accuser Won’t Stop

Love Worth Finding

September 06, 2020
Today’s Daily Devotional


“Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him.”


Do you like people talking behind your back? You have someone who not only talks behind your back, he’ll also accuse you to your face. He’s constantly accusing you before God, pointing the finger of accusation. His name is Satan. He’s your adversary.

The very word Satan means “adversary.” Here he stands before the Lord like a prosecuting attorney. Revelation 12:10 makes it clear: Satan is our accuser.

Listen to me. Satan is constantly accusing you. He wants you to sin, encourages you to sin, then he wants you to suffer the consequences. He points out your sin so you’ll get into the guilt trap. He rejoices in your suffering. Satan wants to cripple you, and then blame you for limping! That’s what he does!

Warren Wiersbe said, “Before you sin, Satan whispers, ‘You can get away with it.’ And after you sin, he shouts, ‘You’ll never get away with it.’” That’s just the way he does.


Every soldier will tell you: you have to know your enemy. Satan, your adversary, accuses you to drive you to despair. Know your adversary. But the Holy Spirit, your Comforter, convicts you in order to draw you to Jesus Christ, to forgiveness, freedom, and liberty. Recognize the difference.

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