UPDATED FRIDAY MORNING: ABQ Police Chief Mike Geier Pushed Out of Job, Anti-Gun Measure fails in ABQ City Council


I had suspected for a long time that there was ‘monkey business’ going on in Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller’s office with the Police Department, specifically with Chief Geier’s authority. The Albuquerque Journal is reporting this morning that City Councilor Brook Bassan questioned a top official in Keller’s administration during last nights City Council meeting, asking how much direction the Mayor’s office is giving APD and inquiring about a social media post saying the Mayor and his team are pushing Chief Geier out. The Mayor’s spokesperson would not say directly if Chief Geier had the Mayors support.

I know my opinion does not mean much to City Hall, but I am not happy at all how ABQ Chief Mike Geier has been treated by the Mayor and his team! God Bless you Sir for your service to the City of Albuquerque You deserved better!

I was told this morning by a long time Law Enforcement expert that the average term of a Police Chief in America is 3 years!!! HORRIBLE! America has so many law and order problems! We are so super blessed that anyone would want to be a Police Officer in this Country!

The first sign of ‘monkey business’ for me was when a tweet was sent out under the Chief’s name by APD that did not have his authorization and then was retracted. That took place a couple of weeks ago. I am not very happy at all how the Chief has been treated by the Mayor and his team!

UPDATED FROM FRANK HALEY OF KDAZ NEWS: TV  Channel  13  is reporting that Albuquerque’s police chief will soon be out. They say Mayor Tim Keller has relieved Albuquerque Police Chief Mike Geier of his duties, effective September 30.
On that date, Deputy Chief Harold Medina will take over as acting  police chief.
However,  the Mayor’s office would neither confirm or deny this story. Geier has more than 43 years of police experience including 20 with the Albuquerque Police Department.

Has Mayor Keller Taken Over The Police Department?

City Press Release on Chief Geier



 We want to thank Albuquerque Police Chief Michael Geier for his dedicated service to the Albuquerque Police Department and the residents of Albuquerque. We wish you the best in your retirement.

“It has been an honor to lead the Albuquerque Police Department over the last three years,” said Chief Michael Geier. “After 47 years in law enforcement, it’s time to pass the baton. Our transition plan aims to set the stage for the next phase of the Department’s effort to make Albuquerque safer for us all. I want to thank every police officer who shows such an incredible commitment to our city, and will be praying for you to stay safe and successful in your service.”
Chief Geier has served as APD Chief of Police since December 2017. He helped bring in a new leadership team, took on a major restructuring of the Department, revamped the use of force training and policies, hired more officers, and established innovative career and development paths in the Department. Prior to joining APD, Geier worked for over 43 years in law enforcement, including as Chief of Police of the Rio Rancho Police Department.

Also this from Paul Gessing:

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BREAKING: Anti-Gun Measure Fails at Albuquerque City Council; Victory for the Second Amendment.

Dear Dewey,

I wanted to be the first to share this good news with you: the anti-gun measure being considered by the Albuquerque City Council tonight failed at 5 to 4, specifically Resolution 20-68 which would have called the legislature to push firearm preemption reconsideration to the ballot. The vote tally is included below:

Lan Sena: yes
Isaac Benton: yes
Klarissa Peña: no
Brook Bassan: no
Cynthia Borrego: no
Pat Davis: yes
DianeGibson: yes
Trudy Jones: no
Don Harris: no

no vote indicates opposition to the anti-gun measure. Thank you so much for your hard work in encouraging our City Council to protect our constitutional right to keep and bear arms!

Be well and stay safe.

Your friend in liberty,

Paul Gessing, President

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