COVID Shutdown is Destroying New Mexico! Where is The NM GOP? HELLO!!??!!


Yes, Jesus is not Politically Correct! I walk with no political party, I walk with JESUS! AMEN!

The Governor continues to rule over our everyday lives, so many of our freedoms are gone. When will they come back? I am still in shock that a Governor can rule over God’s Church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Governor has destroyed much of our economy. So many ‘so called leaders’ are silent! The New Mexico Republican Party seems to me so very weak in this time of our freedoms being taken away, this is the worst disaster in my lifetime,and all I hear is crickets from the New Mexico GOP. There are a few that have spoken out, some lawsuits but this destruction continues. Lives and dreams are being destroyed as I type this….

Just think, we live in a time where the Democratic Governor rules over GOD’S CHURCHES!!! I thank Pastor Steve Smothermon for pushing ahead with the lawsuit against the Governor. She rules over our children, our schools, our shopping, our restaurant folks, many family owned restaurants have closed and will close. She rules over visits to our loved ones in Hospitals and Nursing homes, she rules over our parks, no baseball, softball, football…etc… She is telling us to stay home Labor Day Weekend, what will happen with Thanksgiving? Christmas? Will she try to rule over Jesus’ Birthday?

I have not talked to one Republican in the last several months, NOT ONE that is happy with the leadership of the NM GOP. Whatever strategy the NM GOP is using it is not working. I would have my dear friend Couy Griffin give a call to President Trump and ask for urgent help. I would invite President Trump to New Mexico and force a meeting with the President and the Governor. I can see some shaking their heads, “That crazy Moede” that is okay, I am not her to please people, I am here to serve God and His people. I beleive President Trump would love to have the meeting. It is about time the Governor is called out!

I am weeping inside as I type this….23,000 New Mexico Restaurant workers are unemployed. I thank KOB TV for this report.

Carol Wight, CEO of the New Mexico Restaurant Association: “We just came out with the August numbers for the state and accommodation and food services has lost $382 million and that’s gross receipts by the entire industry and that’s just devastating—that’s a 31 percent loss.” KOB TV REPORT


House GOP Leadership calls out Governor for retaliatory eviction of PRC


Santa Fe, NM – House Republican Leadership recently questioned the Lujan Grisham administration about their forced eviction of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC), and why the relocation of the PRC has not been resolved.

In March 2020, following the Governor’s attempted takeover to control the PRC (HB 11), the Lujan Grisham administration gave notice that the PRC would need to vacate their offices, located in the historic PERA office building. The Governor’s administration did not provide alternative locations, and additionally the forced government shutdown impeded the PRC finding a new office location. In the meantime, the PRC has been forced to work remotely, without an office location that they can return to. The state’s Government Services Division has changed the locks on the office and not provided access to PRC employees for equipment or other business needs.

House Republican Leaders blasted the Governor in their letter: “We are writing to express our frustration with your administration’s unwillingness or inability to locate appropriate office space for the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC). The failure to provide this constitutionally established entity with a proper location to conduct its statutory responsibilities is, frankly, incomprehensible.”

Office eviction leaves PRC homeless, without funds


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham IS THERE HOPE FOR OUR NATION?

Q: Is there hope for our nation — and world — for a better tomorrow and if so who should we turn to in order to find the solution our problems? — B.T.

A: Political parties, social improvements, education, world peace conferences — all of these are viewed as answers to the world’s problems, but they have all fallen short.

Why? Because mankind has fallen short of God’s standard. We have fallen short to do His will. To live in obedience to His Word as communicated in the Bible we are told: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

This verse has been quoted so much that many miss its meaning. God’s people are those who have repented of sin and accepted Him as Savior and Lord of their lives.

A U.S. congressman once declared, “Most of our present-day troubles are due to the fact that we’ve forgotten the faith of our fathers and no longer do we, as a nation, follow in the footsteps of the Lord.”

The psalmist cried out and said, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12). This applies to the United States and any other nation who will turn to the Lord God of Heaven.

America cannot organize her way out, nor buy her way out. America must pray her way out. Who can bring us to our knees in contrition? It is the Man called the Lord Jesus Christ. Will we as individuals, and as a nation, humble ourselves before Him and submit to His perfect will? This is the only hope for America and for the world.

From Adrian Rogers: It’s amazing what gets folks all excited. A Russian came to the United States during football season, and friends took him to a great bowl game. Afterward, they asked him what he thought about it.

Do you know what he said? “I’ve never seen so much first-rate enthusiasm for such a second-rate cause.”

What’s the first-rate cause? What’s the most important thing? “for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost” (Luke 19:10).

Getting souls saved is what it’s all about. “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).

You may have members of your family who are lost. One day they will die, and you’ll say, “My God, why didn’t I witness?”

American Pastors Network:

Pastors Have the Responsibility to Confront the Sin of Lawlessness at Every Level of Government

 ‘The Usurpation of Power by the Governor is Not Just Unlawful it is Sinful Because it Disobeys the Plan for Authority God Established in Scripture’


Pastor Steve Somthermon: “How long is it going be before we rise up and say ‘OK, that’s it’” POINT ON PASTOR! Thank you Pastor! The Governor is ruling over our Churches, our everyday lives, schools, hospital/nursing home visits to our loved ones, businesses, parks, recreation….and more and more as we suffer in many ways as a state. What will Thanksgiving and Christmas look like this year for our families? The Governor speaks down to us! Look what she said about the people of Espanola! Read more below.

Legacy Church in ABQ Leads The Charge For The Church

Read much more below:

Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2

After the Governors COVID update this past Thursday I was very unsettled. My spirit was very disturbed as a Pastor and news reporter. She gave us all the dickens and really hammered on the Espanola community about not wearing masks. The last time I had heard anything like that was years and years ago back home in Windom, Minnesota, the great Hubert Humphrey came to my hometown and gave the farmers the dickens. The difference here was the farmers knew Hubert was right and they had great respect for him. The Governor of New Mexico has and is losing the respect of the people New Mexico. In South Dakota awhile back the people held a parade of cars around the Governors mansion in appreciation for the work during COVID of done by Governor Kristi Neom. I do not think that will ever happen here. The people of South Dakota love their Governor. What is Godly Leadership?

I wanted to share about this bright and early Friday but I was still praying to the Lord as to what to say about this. I had a prayer meeting with an Albuquerque businessman yesterday morning and on the way I got a call of the passing of a dear, dear friend. That took a lot of the wind out of my sails. Pray for the Susan Saludo Parks family, Susan could not be more than 45, she had had chemo and a bone marrow transplant….she went through so very much. Susan has two boys. Please keep them and her Mom and Dad in your prayers. I first met Susan in 1995 when I moved here to Albuquerque, we worked together in radio.

I am still mourning over Susan’s passing and got some calls from friends that also worked with Susan, she was the one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life.

This morning I continued to pray what to write about Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. I have never seen a Governor take control of a state like her. The Governor has been allowed to control our lives, our Churches, restaurants and all other businesses, schools…on and on. The Supreme Court rules in her favor on everything when they hear a case from the people.

On Thursday when she really hammered on the Espanola community, she got down right mean. She likes to threaten us all with further action and rolling back lockdowns. The Governor talked to the Espanola folks like they were little kids misbehaving. She belittled them and us all here in the state, awful stuff. She acts like we are all dummies. This is no way to be a leader. I have lived here since 1995 and we have not had a Governor worth a hoot. I do not know why New Mexico fails at electing a good Governor, it saddens me. The last Governor was a Republican and she also failed to end abortion and other evils in the state and left the citizens of New Mexico in a lurch, paying out big bucks because of monkey business in her administration. She also failed to invite us all to her famous pizza party.

The Governor and her people at these COVID updates keep saying they want New Mexico to be number one in fighting COVID, wear your mask, wash your hands, do social distancing….on and on…….they want to be number one in this COVID deal but we are already number one in suicides, alcohol related diseases, we are number one in America in underprivileged children, we kill God’s babies thorough abortion, many business have closed for good, lives have been ruined, dreams have been crushed and on and on and you can make a list I am sure. We are number one in failure. I have never seen a Governor in all my years take such control of a state and its people and CHURCHES!!!!!!

New Mexico is burning down, the foundation is crumbling at this moment. Right now I see no end in the near future for this madness to end. It is like a Nightmare.

Read The Letter Here from the Mayor of Espanola responding to the belittling from the Governor to the people of the beautiful Espanola Valley. God Bless you Mayor Javier Sanchez for standing up for the people of Espanola!

Pastors Have the Responsibility to Confront the Sin of Lawlessness at Every Level of Government

APN: ‘The Usurpation of Power by the Governor is Not Just Unlawful it is Sinful Because it Disobeys the Plan for Authority God Established in Scripture’

PHILADELPHIA — More pastors are speaking out against mandates Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and other members of the Executive Branch continue to impose on citizens in the name of public health. Increasingly, pastors are urging that corrective action come not only from the General Assembly but from every pulpit across the Keystone State.


Churchgoers throughout Pennsylvania have begun asking their pastors why they signed an Open Letter that the American Pastors Network (APN, and Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, recently sent to all three branches of state government.


The Open Letter details why pastoral leadership is warranted in calling Pennsylvania citizens to Restore the Law (, and it includes a Resolution citing coronavirus-related Executive and Judicial Branch abuses of power, along with Defining the Problem, the Causes, and the Solution to the governor’s unconstitutional mandates imposed on the Commonwealth’s citizens as a result of his Declaration of Emergency on March 6, 2020.


“Unless families and churches stand up and hold state leaders accountable to Pennsylvania statute, the Constitution and the Bible as the ultimate source and limitation of authority, our citizens will continue to lose their freedoms to the sinful encroachment of unlawful governance,” said APN President Sam Rohrer, a nine-term state representative.


“Pastors must take, and are even now taking, the lead in holding members of the Executive and Judicial Branch accountable for imposing restrictions on citizens that only the Legislative Branch has the authority to impose,” Rohrer continued. “This usurpation of power by the governor is not just unlawful — it is sinful, because it disobeys the plan for authority God has established and made plain in Scripture.”


APN’s insistence that government officials obey both civil law and Biblical principles of authority follows closely on the heels of the Republican National Convention last week, which highlighted the importance of law and order in society.


“The violence must stop, whether in Minneapolis, Portland or Kenosha,” said Vice President Mike Pence during the convention on August 26, referring to violent, vandalizing riots that government officials have failed or refused to contain. “Too many heroes have died defending our freedom to see Americans strike each other down. We will have law and order on the streets of this country for every American of every race and creed and color.”


Rohrer says, “Pastors have the responsibility to confront the sin of lawlessness at every level of government.

“God has a plan for authority, and no one is above His plan, just as no one is above the law — including and especially the governor, as the head of the branch of government responsible for enforcing the law.”


Pastors, congregants, voters and state officials are out of excuses to ignore the governor’s and the court’s abuses of power, APN’s Open Letter states.


“Now the Lawmaking Authority of the Commonwealth has been unlawfully seized by the Executive Branch and the Law spurned. … The serious and deteriorating nature of the COVID-19 policies confronting the citizens of this Commonwealth and the violations of Statutory Law and the Constitution, precipitated by the actions of the Executive and Judicial Branches, is clear. The disenfranchised and aggrieved position of the General Assembly as the Constitutionally authorized lawmaking Body in this Commonwealth is now beyond dispute,” the pastors write.


All people are invited to read and sign the Open Letter to the Citizens and historic resolution at


Rohrer, co-hosts, and guests explore topics like these on APN’s popular, live, daily radio program “Stand in the Gap Today.” Rohrer also hosts the daily short radio feature “Stand in the Gap Minute, and “best of” shows from the week are broadcast on “Stand in the Gap Weekend.” Likewise, “Stand in the Gap TV” considers transcending complex and divisive cultural issues, seemingly difficult to navigate, from a biblical worldview perspective.


View the media page for APN hereFor more information on APN, visit, its Facebook page or follow APN’s Twitter feed, @AmericanPastors. For information about forming a state chapter of APN, contact TV REPORT

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