Pastor John Kilpatrick: ‘The Return’ Movement Is from the Heart of God and Could Lead to a Great Awakening


Kilpatrick: ‘The Return’ Movement Is from the Heart of God and Could Lead to a Great Awakening


Revival Pastor Contributes Extensive Ministry Leadership Experience to ‘The Return’ Board of Advisors as Landmark Moment Approaches

NEW YORK — John Kilpatrick knows when the Spirit of God is on the move. He has provided pastoral oversight during important revivals, such as the historic Brownville Revival in Pensacola, Florida, and the Bay Revival in Mobile, Alabama. Now the pastor with almost 50 years in the pulpit has joined dozens of national faith leaders in identifying America’s next landmark revival movement as “The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance” ( 


Kilpatrick says “The Return” movement is sweeping the globe at a critical moment in American and world history, a moment appointed by God to revive the United States as a city on a hill and possibly even to lead an international Great Awakening.


“I think that you would agree, considering world events especially in this nation, that the timing of this is absolutely impeccable,” Kilpatrick said. “I feel ‘The Return’ is directly from the heart of God, and I believe it could be a turning point for our nation and will hopefully lead to a Great Awakening, not only in America but the nations of the earth.”


Tens of thousands of Christians from thousands of churches are currently preparing to participate in the next great synchronized moment of “The Return,” by virtually and physically gathering for prayer and revival at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on September 26.


Kilpatrick sees the “The Return” as a gathering all American Christians should participate in. Fueled by a half century of pastoral and ministry leadership experience, Kilpatrick has a hunger and passion to see the presence of God awaken and stir the hearts of many to cry out to God and to embrace His promise of restoration and reformation.


“As a member of the advisory board for ‘The Return,’ I would like to encourage everyone to be a part of such an important gathering,” Kilpatrick said. “My heart is so excited about ‘The Return.’ I know God was in this from the beginning.”


“The Return” is not lacking in names of household Christian faith leaders who are actively supporting the movement. Among them are “The Return” co-chairs Kevin Jessip and Jonathan Cahn. Cahn is a New York Times Bestselling author in addition to being a widely quoted Christian and a Jewish rabbi.


“I believe that God gave this to Rabbi [Cahn],” Kilpatrick said. “I know that he’s the one to lead this. God has given him such a platform in these last days, and I’m happy to be a part of this.”


“The Return” is for all believers who love the Lord from all denominations and backgrounds. Leaders already on board with “The Return” include Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessip (co-chairs), Dr. James Dobson, Michele Bachmann, Pat Boone, Mark Gonzales, Robert Morris, Marcus Lamb, John Kilpatrick, Pierre Bynum, Gen. William Boykin, Carter Conlon, Bishop Harry Jackson, Alveda King, Anne Graham Lotz, Pat and Gordon Robertson, Kevin and Sam Sorbo, Stephen E. Strang, E.W. Jackson and many more supporters listed at


Co-chairs of “The Return” Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessip have recorded a special video about the event, which already has over a million views. Watch here.


“The Return” is set for 40 days before the presidential election, and on the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower, in the days of America’s founding and dedication to God. Surrounding the “The Day of Return” on Sept. 26 at the Washington Mall will be 10 days, known from ancient times as the Days of Awe, to be set as a special time of prayer and repentance from Sept. 18-28.


Coordinated events within “The Return” movement will also take place throughout America’s cities, towns, houses of worship and homes, as well as in multiple countries around the world, as many believe the nation has been given a critical window of opportunity to repent and return to God.


Visit The Return at to register and learn more. Follow “The Return” on social media at Facebook: @ReturnEvent2020; Twitter: @2020_Return; and Instagram: @The_Return2020.

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