— Dewey, You mean to tell me you’ve been sharing Christ to the masses for over 8 years. No way. It was just the other day that we were working in Christian radio together. Well, ok, I guess you are right my friend. You left a high paying job in commercial radio to answer the call of the Lord Jesus Christ to tell the lost about His love for them. August marks your 8th anniversary. Congratulations to For God’s Glory Alone Ministry. Your 15 to 20 volunteers who help with your website have reached over 4 million people all over the world bringing news and inspiration from a Biblical worldview.
You have been circuit preaching for over those 8 years at First Baptist Church in Reserve, Quemado and Glenwood, New Mexico.
You couldn’t stay out of radio with your radio ministry program “House of Hope” airing on 5 radio stations reaching parts Eastern South Dakota, South West Minnesota and northern Iowa. Way to go radio man.
You also have done many Revivals in New Mexico and in Windom Minnesota your hometown and also have done funerals, weddings, baptisms, hospital and nursing home visits, all of these activities have been slowed by Covid this year. Congratulations on a “Job well done”.
And Fggam is a 501c3 non profit organization. Here’s to many more years of serving the Lord Jesus. Stay well my friend and broadcast pardner.