As I read scripture here at the library.. I think about the many voices, and the many questions we hear in ministry , and from The Lord … The voices we hear are important.. Especially when your seeking the voice of The Lord .. How do we know the voice of The Lord ? How do we select the right one? In study today.. I know that I’m listening to the right voice when I can answer the very question of Jesus himself.. The same question he asked the disciples in Mark 8:27-29″ Who do people say I am? They replied , Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets” ” But what about you? ” Who do you say I am? ” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah”. My thoughts… Jesus knew who would answer correctly.. Although we might seek Jesus.. Can we honestly say that we answer that question correctly.? Is God evident so much in our life that The Lord could single us out… And know that we will answer that correctly.. The disciples all spent time with him.. Only one answered correctly… We spend time with The Lord .. But we may live a life that does not answer that question correctly.. Jesus was the ” Son of Man then.. And is still the Son of Man now!! I’m looking forward to answering that question, that final sentence…but after I answer that question … It’s the response that I’m really waiting for..” Welcome in my good and faithful servant” Heavenly Father… I want to know you so much, that there would be no question asked of me that you wouldn’t confidently already know that I will answer it correctly.. Continue to mold my life Lord.. There is so much work that needs to be done in and thru my life.. Let my life reflect the answer that says.. Your are the Messiah… Let my life become the Rock that builds daily..