Godlessness Permeates Society and Culture


Why do some people credit the power of Satan?

Jun 12, 2020

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why do some people credit the power of Satan in their lives and treat him as though he is on the same level as God? – S.L.

A: Godlessness permeates society and culture. There are those who are drawn to Satan. They want to learn more about the devil, demons, witchcraft, the occult, etc. In many cases, these people do not fully realize they are inviting Satan to come into their thinking and into their very lives. They are deluded.

Many jokes are made about Satan but he is no laughing matter. Some people make light of the devil, thinking that he is some figment of imagination that runs around with a tail dragging behind him.

The Bible says that Satan is the father of lies. He is the most successful liar of all because he persuades millions of people to follow him. He is called a deceiver. In order to accomplish his purpose, he blinds people to their need for Christ. Two forces are at work in our world – the forces of Christ and the forces of Satan. Each must choose the way to follow.

It is important to pray to the Lord God and ask for strength to live life according to His word in the Bible and claim His protection from the deceptions of Satan. We must start by giving our hearts to Christ and draw on the strength of His Holy Spirit to discipline our minds to think on the things of the Lord. Scripture tells us plainly not to give Satan a foothold in our lives (Ephesians 4:27).

Don’t be deceived by Satan and his lies. Instead, come near to the Lord – because the closer you are to Him, the farther away you are from the devil. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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