Is Our Society Responsible For The Rise of Humanism?


Tribune Content Agency

Is our selfish society responsible for the rise of humanism?

May 16, 2020

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: It’s said that society is selfish and this is why humanism has become so acceptable. Is this something new? — H.S.

A: Humanism is the worship of man. It has taken on the form of religion; glorifying self and taking God out of His rightful place. A London magazine carried a story that said, “No more subtle enemy has ever faced the Christian church than this one which dethrones her God and replaces Him with its [creation].”

Young people today may not know who Julian Huxley was, but he said that if humanism is to acquire a wider appeal, it must become a religion. The religion of humanism has been around a very long time, but probably because of the growth of communication, it’s more widely recognized.

Humanism has become for many a polite name for a vocal and aggressive movement against God’s truth to advance its own brand of social influence. Humanism isn’t new; it emerged in the Garden of Eden — Adam and Eve yielding to Satan’s temptation. He told them they could be gods (Genesis 3:5).

Mankind continually rejects the revelation of the Bible concerning the true and living God, substituting gods of its own making. Many intellectuals have come to believe that the human mind can understand everything eventually. This is nothing but total rebellion toward God, and Satan is behind it all.

The underlying principle of the devil’s tactics is deception. The Bible warns, “The devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him” (1 Peter 5:8-9). The Lord will help us stand strong in the face of deception if we’ll stay in the Word of God and pray that He will give us discerning minds. And always remember to pray for professors and classmates, that God will open their hearts to His truth that never fails.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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