Eyes Like His… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Eyes Like His…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I wanted to ask you once again to pray these words. I penned this writing in 2005 and the second is a song that Ty Lacy/Steve Siler wrote.

Compassion (Angel L. Murchison)

My Sister, your countenance looks downcast, your face does reflect.
Your burden looks heavy, your load is it too much to carry alone?
For you, my friend, God sent His Son and He also sent me your way.
I’m His love extended to you. How can I help you today?
If you want to share your burden, I know Jesus will give you the strength to overcome.
You will have the victory. As we journey the path of life together, we have many of trial.
Jesus gave you to me, my sister, to love you and to be His love vial.
I want to help you bandage your wounds until Jesus heals you where you hurt.
You see, my sister, my friend, we all walk through pain and the storms they do blow.
But together with Jesus, in Him, we both will grow.

Not Too Far From Here (Ty Lacy/Steve Siler)

Somebody’s down to their last dime, Somebody’s running out of time, not too far from here. Somebody’s got nowhere else to go, Somebody needs a little hope
Not too far from here. And I may not know their name, but I’m praying just the same
That you’ll use me Lord to wipe away a tear, cause somebody’s crying, not too far from here. Somebody’s troubled and confused, Somebody’s got nothing left to lose, not too far from here. Somebody’s forgotten how to trust, somebody’s dying for love, not too far from here. It may be a stranger’s face, but I’m praying for your grace to move in me and take away the fear, cause somebody’s hurting, not too far from here. Help me, Lord, not to turn away from pain, help me not to rest while those around me weep. Give me Your strength and compassion when somebody finds the road of life too steep. Now, I’m letting down my guard and I’m opening my heart, help me speak your love to every needful ear. Jesus is waiting, not too far from here. Jesus is waiting, not too far from here.

As thy days are so shall thy strength be. Deuteronomy 33:25

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Share some hope today.



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