Ask God for patience — and then use it in every aspect of life


Welcome to the House of Hope…..real hope and talk for JESUS!

Patience isn’t easy for most people. But it is important to consider the needs and thoughts of others, especially in marriage, particularly when things are out of our control. But we must also guard against selfishness. Patience is not simply “teeth-clenched” endurance. It is an attitude of expectation.

The Bible says, “Be patient. … See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth…. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand” (James 5:7-8). The farmer patiently watches his barren ground because he knows there will be results. He has patience in his labors because there will be products of his labor. As we strive to live for the Lord we must exhibit patience knowing that our obedience to Him will result in good fruits that He will accept in eternity.

Patience also speaks of a person’s steadfastness when irritated or experiencing conflict. Enduring ill-treatment without anger or retaliation is a fruit of the spirit, referred to in Scripture as self-control (Galatians 5:23). Our lives are to be characterized by patience; it’s important in developing stable character and integrity. This is why God allows difficulties, inconveniences, trials, and even suffering to come our way for a specific purpose: they help develop the right attitude for the growth of patience in our lives.

Ask God for patience — and then use it in every aspect of life. It will be a marvelous testimony to others.

I will be at the FBC in Reserve, NM this morning. Service time is 11am. I will be bringing forth the message that God gave me for Memorial Day weekend. If you do not have a Church home we would love to see you! God Bless you and yours!!!

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