New Beginnings Beautiful People? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


New Beginnings Beautiful People?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I listened to a song for the first time yesterday that really impacted me. Cody Karnes penned the words, and a friend Pamela Willette sang it on smule. As I listened to this song, I couldn’t help but remember a prayer meeting around the year 2008, I wanted to share with you once again. Ironically, I was working in the small town where Pam, the woman that recorded this lives and works.  When I penned these words. I didn’t know her, but I was there on a work assignment. It was during my lunch break as I was fasting and praying for a prayer meeting I would attend that night. I was holding prayer meetings on Thursday evenings in my own hometown and I was told by someone that didn’t understand the principles of God’s Kingdom that I was to cancel mine as she was going to do it. I had a friend that her daughter was going to jail due to drugs during this time. I had wanted us to come together to pray for that family. I penned these words that would challenge us all that night.  Let’s listen to the song before I share the words I penned. Close your eyes and soak it in.

Listen Here

These were the words.

I have given you a taste of my river. I will not tolerate gossip, backbiting and devouring one another. All of my people are important to me, all of my people. I do not love you anymore than I love them. Come together; lay down agendas, lay down pretense. Do you want the river to continue or do you want the spring to stop? What I am asking of you is to lay it all down. If you have ought against anyone make it right to the best of your ability. There is no room for offense in my river. There is only room for servanthood. If you desire to be a part of what I desire to do through you, you must not think of yourselves as more important than your brother or sister. I died for them too; I died for them while they were yet sinners. Can you love like I have commanded you? Can you come together and serve from a willingness to please me? Not for recognition, not from your own fleshly desires, but because I have asked of you?

During this time when everything around us is shaken, let’s talk to God about the river, agendas and about desires of man verses desires of the kingdom. Let’s be real before him as he sees and knows it all anyway. Amen? Amen.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you where there is unity, you command a blessing. (Psalm 133:1) Father, show us right where we are at today with you. Examine our hearts (Psalm 51:10). We want the world to know you Jesus. Thank you for revival. Thank you for this awakening. Thank you for the love you have for all mankind. It was enough to die for.

Father, we surrender our lives to you once again. Your will be done. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. It’s a day of new beginnings.


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