Pictured above is a painting of the Last Supper that my Grandma Lena Caraway gave me years ago, Grandma is the one that spoke over me back in 1974 that I would be a preacher someday! From our Dear Brother in Christ Dr. Jim Denison:
Washing the feet of prisoners“Maundy” Thursday comes from the Latin word for mandated. What is mandated about this day? And how does this mandate relate to the pandemic? During his last supper with his disciples, Jesus washed their feet (John 13:1–11). Then he stated: “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you” (vv. 14–15). |
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Many Christians over the centuries have imitated our Lord’s physical act, especially on this day. For instance, Pope Francis traveled to the prison of Velletri south of Rome last year for Maundy Thursday, where he washed the feet of twelve inmates. “Be brothers in service: not in ambition, but in service,” he told them. However, Jesus’ mandate extends beyond his physical act to its spiritual significance. Whenever we serve a person selflessly and sacrificially, we can be said to have “washed their feet.” When we humble ourselves to honor our Lord and our neighbor, we imitate Jesus’ spirit of humility. When we meet physical needs to meet spiritual needs, we serve as our Lord serves us. Hope when we’re afraid of the darkJack Dorsey is right: “Life is too short, so let’s do everything we can today to help people now.” This principle applies especially to Christians, for we are called to follow the example of the One who gave his life to help all of humanity. |
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When Jesus launched his public ministry, he fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned” (Matthew 4:16, citing Isaiah 42:7). Like them, we are dwelling in the “shadow of death” today. But the darker the room, the more powerful the light. James Koester of the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Boston notes: “It’s not that God can’t, or doesn’t, or won’t work during the brightness of the day, but we need God most in those moments of our life that are full of darkness and fear. “If you have ever been or are even now afraid of the dark—afraid of the darkness of your own life, afraid of the darkness of the life of another, afraid of the darkness of the world—take courage for as terrifying as it can be, Holy Week promises us that God is at work even there, even then, even now.” Advice from a 102-year-oldNow our Lord invites us to share his light with those who are in the dark, to wash their feet as Jesus has washed ours. And to trust him to use our present faithfulness for future and eternal significance we cannot imagine today. Lucille Ellson was born on December 30, 1917, just before the Spanish flu pandemic began. Her uncle and father contracted the flu, though neither died. She was a teenager during the Great Depression and a schoolteacher and young wife during World War II. Now 102 years old, Lucille is reflecting on the coronavirus pandemic. She advises us to “not get stressed about planning far ahead. You can’t do it. A long time ago, I started making a list every morning of what I had to do. It was the only thing I could control.” You cannot control tomorrow, but you can control your service today. Jesus washed your feet; whose feet will you wash? How will you make this a true Maundy Thursday? |
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Denison Ministries, 17304 Preston Rd, Suite 1060, Dallas, TX 75252 |
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16
Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives. Titus 3:14
I have been getting calls for help from food to housing…….it is very heart breaking to hear some of the stories. I had a sweet lady contact me about housing for her and her two-year-old son……..another lovely woman had her lease cancelled at her place of business, because she us unable to conduct business, as her business, cosmetology, is considered non-essential. The landlord wants to fill that office with a business that is active. I try to help all people. Another lady was let go by the company she worked for.
Here is a wonderful story…..I told Franchesca to call and she did, the Angeles delivered!
From Franchesca Stevens, who is pictured above.
With everything we are all going through right now, I would like to tell you about something incredibly good that is happening within our community.
A friend gave me a number this week to call for a free food delivery since I, like everyone else, am confined to my home because of Coronavirus, and am also a senior who is immunosuppressed due to my fight with breast cancer. I was told that this number would connect me with a local charity, but, to my surprise, I soon found out that this relief effort is not funded by the government, but, rather, PERSONALLY by our own NM State Auditor Brian Colon and one of his friends, Erin Chisolm, who owns Chisolm Trail RV. It’s called Brian’s Angels and Team Chisholm and they, with the help of a small group of volunteers, have already delivered 8,000 free meals and more than 1,000 free food care packages over the past few weeks. They also have a GOFUNDME campaign called BriansAngels and TeamChisolm.
In my experience, I called the number I was given around 3 p.m. one day this week and within TWO HOURS someone was at my doorstep with two bags full of delicious perishable and non perishable food: things like canned beans, potato chips, meat, applesauce, lunch snack packs, tortillas, frozen vegetables, Ramen noodles, etc.
When I later talked to Auditor Colon on the phone to thank him, he simply said, “We’re just a couple of folks who wanted to help families out during this time. We are dropping boxes but spreading love and hope while we restore people’s faith in humanity.”
He also encouraged anyone else who needs help to text him on his personal phone at 505-270-2154. It’s my guess you won’t wait long!
Franchesca Stevens in Albuquerque
Thank you for sharing Franchesca! Thank you Brian Colon and Erin Chisolm and your TEAM of ANGELS for all your doing for God’s people. God Bless you all! I follow this team of Angels on Facebook, I beleive they were in Gallup, NM yesterday!!!!!!
Please pray for Franchesca as she has cancer, pray for healing. It is so wonderful to see unity building in America at this time. I pray this unity of love with go on even after this pandemic! Pray for all, good health for all! We are also ministering too many widow’s out there who are shut ins. Thank the Lord for the telephone!
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18