I want to thank our Dear Sister in Christ, Darlene Quiring of Mt. Lake, Minnesota for this wonderful message! God Bless you Sister and your entire family! Happy Easter!
Darlene Fick Quiring
Like many of you I was up at 2 am.I was reading from 2 Samuel 23:11-12.
Here it is recorded, A man stood in the middle of a beanfield protecting it from the enemy. Why would he risk his life to save the beanfield from the enemy? It was probably his inheritance. He was willing to risk his life to save it from the enemy.
We as Christians and as a nation are in the middle of a battle. You may consider the battle to be a physical battle brought on by the coronavirus, or a political battle to save or destroy our nation.
I want to encourage you to keep fighting the battle of faith. This man stood in the middle of his field and flew his enemies. He did not give up the fight.
I want to encourage each of you to keep up the good fight.
Our inheritance is salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our inheritance is healing through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our inheritance is peace through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our inheritance is power that Jesus promised us.
Don’t give up the fight that your faith will prove to be victorious through Jesus Christ our Lord. May God bring about a great victory in your life for his glory.