Destiny Moments: Angel’s Guest This Week is Pastor Yul Revi


Angel’s guest this week on Destiny Moments is Pastor Yul Revi. Yul was raised by Hindu parents. I never believed in Christ Jesus but lived as a worldly man. Since my second grade, I began to use alcohol. At the age of 17, one of my friends invited me to a Christian meeting. I could not understand the message but when the pastor began to pray, he prophesied. In his prophecy, he called my name by the word of knowledge and prophesied over me. I became shocked because of that revelation and prophetic message. Instantly the spirit of God came upon me and I began to cry for the forgiveness of my sin. That day I accepted Christ and then I took water baptism and filled with Holy Spirit.

Soon after my conversion, I engaged in gospel ministry as a worship leader but God told me to the gospel. That’s why I started to preach the word of God. In those days,  I started street preaching and personal evangelism. And every day, I spent more than eight to ten hours to pray for nations. When I was 21 years old I started a weekly meeting and people began to be saved and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. But I met an accident and lost my first three metatarsal bones from my right foot. Doctors told me that I could not walk anymore. I lost all my hope in my life but I began to read the word of God. One day, when I was reading the word of God, Mark 11:22-25 touched my heart. Since then I commanded my right to receive the bones by God’s power.  One day Jesus came into my room and touched my right foot. Instantly I got up from my bed and began to walk. After that, I went to the north part of India for a four-month missionary training. When I was doing that course, every week I refrained from food and water for two days to understand the perfect will of God in my life and one day Christ came into my room and spoke to me to start a church. When I heard this, I became frustrated because I did not like Pastoral ministry. But I had to face bad situations in my life, so I came back to my hometown and went for 40 days of fasting and prayer for the whole world. Miraculously, God opened a door for me to pioneer a church. Now, we have more than fifteen hundred believers.

Meanwhile, one day the Spirit of God told me to go to the United States and pray for that nation. I became frustrated because of that because I wanted to do the work in India but the will of God was against my desire. After praying a lot, God opened a door to come to this nation as a student.

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