Where is America? I hear no call for God’s people to pray. I have asked for people here at FGGAM to go into prayer for 30 days and pray against the virus and for unity in America, the end of hate.
What do you think?
On Sunday, mass prayer session will be held at the Western Wall in the to stop the COVID-19 epidemic. Report Here
I know this post is long and in-depth…..but it is what God showed me to share with you today.
Rather than viewing Scripture as a book that merely teaches us how to believe and how to act, Jesus shows us that everything is rooted in how we ought to love. By distilling all the doctrinal and behavioral truths of the Bible down to a simple two-part statement—love God and love each other—the Lord of the universe showed us that the dual boundaries of what we believe and how we behave are intended to be understood and experienced within the framework of deep, loving relationships with him and with one another.
Josh McDowell
My prayer is that America will come together as one. We are being destroyed by hate and division. Turn off the TV news and talk radio, it is adding to the fire. I have never seen such horrible journalism. Have we become so dumb we need to be told to wash our hands? In all my years in media, 40 plus, I have never seen such horrible TV and radio news. Even Christian TV has to take its share of responsibility allowing snake oil salesman Jim Baker on the air pushing his fake cure for the virus. I have never seen it in such bad shape. It is mostly “nothing noise” Soak in God, nothing noise, keep your eyes on Jesus! Help lead others down the path to a personal relationship with Jesus. Love on people like Jesus tells us to.
In baseball, we always say to the hitter to keep his eye on the ball. If you do that well enough you will become a good hitter, Many here in America have taken their eye off of God and focus on things of man, leaving God out. This is why we are striking out so much.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
–John 13:34-35
My life verse…..
“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24
This present America gets stranger to me everyday. I do not know much of it anymore. The hate has reached new highs. Hate destroys. Hate blinds one to the truth of God. Panic takes your eyes of God. I encourage you to read this long post, grab a cup of coffee and soak in God.
We continue to pray for the good health of all! Yesterday I went to the grocery store and all the toilet paper was sold out at the two Smiths I visited. I found some at our little neighborhood hardware store! So much of our society is in a panic. God is here for you. Keep your eyes on God and all of His promises. How would America react under a deeper crisis? It seems that America is not spiritually prepared, this is what happens when many have left the God…Panic, fear, irrational thinking. Times have been very much tougher in America. The Great Depression, World War II, and so on. Where is our Godly backbone?
I was talking with a couple yesterday in Smiths and the husband had served in Vietnam. We both were saying that the American people do not seem have much of a backbone. So much hate, not working to solve the problems we have, so divided. We both said this present America we live in, never would have never made it through the depression or WW II. So many Americans have walked away from God.
The Governor here in New Mexico said in her health emergency speech, that we should not go to Church! The Church is where we should be. The Church is the hospital for us all. The Church started the first hospitals in America. I pray that you are healthy enough to go to Church. I am sadden that the leaders of this nation are not calling for a month of prayer! Have we forgotten God in all our panic and all the hate that is going around?
Hate and division has blinded many in America. No politician has ever healed anything!! JESUS HEALS!
The state of New Mexico has ordered all Public Schools closed.
Look at our history:

New coronavirus test 10 times faster is approved, company says
Roche Holding AG said it won emergency approval from the U.S. government for a highly automated coronavirus test, potentially speeding up the ability to test patients by a factor of 10.
Read in Bloomberg: https://apple.news/AKvqqClDARUyJ_8fFyvaO4w
Shared from Apple News
From Yesterday:
Listen, it is way overdue that we cut ties with this evil empire and stop relying them for the manufacturing of ingredients that go into our prescription drugs! They can hold us hostage! Why have we allowed this????!!!! Crazy stuff! Dealing with a country that kills and lies is just awful! They kill their own people, they persecute Christians, they blow up churches, lock up pastors!!! And we think we can deal with such evil????? The Bible teaches us you cannot deal with fools! We Americans get to greedy, money hungry and get into these relationships with China, Russia and other evil empires! The leaders of China and Russia are fools. Very evil! Dictator Putin assassinates many of his opponents!
Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Proverbs 8:13
The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.
Proverbs 28:26
Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.
Proverbs 18:7
A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.
Inside China’s high-stakes campaign to smear the United States over coronavirus
It’s a high-stakes strategy for the Asian nation fighting to keep its superpower status amid a national lockdown and palpable anger over claims of a cover-up made worse by an economic crisis.
Read in Fox News: https://apple.news/ABIM-PCTdSlap2KNqdJ6Y_A
Shared from Apple News
From Sister Shonda Savage:

Which is worse—the coronavirus or fear?
While I believe the coronavirus is a genuine health concern and safety precautions need to be taken, I believe the spirit of fear is the greater epidemic.
Actually, fear has turned into a pandemic. According to Dictionary.com, a pandemic “is essentially an epidemic that has spread even further than outside its epicenter.”
Fear is a tool of the enemy. Here’s what 2 Timothy 1:7 says,
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (NLT).
Here’s a testimony of John G. Lake:
John G. Lake, a great missionary to South Africa in the early 1900s. In his account, many people in South Africa were dying of disease. While assisting doctors during a bubonic plague outbreak, Lake was asked why he had not contracted the disease, since he used no protection. He said, “It is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” To demonstrate, he had them take live bubonic plague germs still foaming from the lungs of a newly dead person and put them in his hands, and then examine the germs under a microscope. The germs were dead! The energy and presence of God was invisible to the naked eye but magnified under the microscope’s lens—there proved to be a real formidable, existing power that killed the virus. This is how John G. Lake explained why he did not get sick—he carried the cure in his body and spirit to heal disease through the power of the Spirit through Jesus. In another amazing testimony, John G. Lake asked doctors to bring him a man with inflammation in the bone. He asked them to take their instruments and attach it to his leg while he prayed for healing. Then he asked them what they saw taking place on their instruments. They replied that every cell was responding positively! John G. Lake replied, “That is God’s divine science!”
The same power that Lake tapped into is available to every believer. The Lord has equipped us and gave us power to defeat the enemy, including the spirit of fear and any disease.
Here are our weapons against fear and disease …
- The Word of God
Believe what God’s word says more than what the news reports say. Confess the Word with your mouth every day. The word promises that “no plague shall come near our home” (Psalm 91:10).
- The Blood of Jesus
Revelation 12:11 tells us we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb. And Romans 5:9 says, “Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him” (NKJV).
- Pray in Faith
The enemy wants us to focus so much on the problem and bind us in fear to stop our prayers. Our prayers for ourselves and others are powerful.
James 5:16 says, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results” (NLT).
Pray for our communities, our countries, and the countries around the world. Pray for our President and other leaders to have wisdom.
Today choose to conquer the pandemic of fear and the virus by confessing the Word of God, applying the blood of Jesus, and praying in faith.
Click here to download the Psalm 91 prayer.
The prayer of protection from Psalm 91 plus more than 30 Scripture-based prayers are included in Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven.
In Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven: Petitions for Prisoners and Prison Families I share my unexpected prison family journey testimony. I also point out how the Lord redeemed the worst-of-the-worst offenders found in the pages of the Bible and explain an effective prayer strategy I learned from this experience.
I pray my transparency and vulnerability points to the source of HOPE for those who lost hope in the midst of despair.
Available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and other online book retailers.
OR, Click here to learn on how to order this book.