Please Pray for Pastor Mark Grothe


I got this prayer need from Pastor Mark Grothe of Cross Christian Fellowship in Albuquerque this morning. Please keep this dear man of God in your prayers. We love Pastor Mark and his lovely wife Rebecca and their congregation. I really am blessed every time I preach at Cross Fellowship. Love you Pastor and Rebecca! I am pictured above with this lovely couple.

Mark W Grothe Sr

Asking for prayer. I had an episode on Tuesday night that my wife ended up taking me to the ER. I’m running between 90-95%. From what I understand, this is not uncommon and hopefully, over some time, I will be . I have learned that what I experienced, is called a stress related seizure. My doctor has a consult into neurology for me to follow up. I learned this is something that apparently runs in my family. We can trace it back to my dad but not sure how much further back. Please, continue to pray for this situation.

Team Jesus, please continue to pray for healing for Pastor Mark.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

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