Place Prepared


There are some who, when hit with the struggles of life, find it hard to comprehend the love of God for them when they are hurting. I get that from a human standpoint, life gets really sticky at times, and often sticks you deep into the heart of who you are.   Questions arise concerning God, love, pain, hurt, and why?

Answering such questions is not my intent, but I do want to reveal a picture of God’s heart as He Himself has revealed to me. And, even saying that I have to confess I know only the small portion He unwraps before me. He is far beyond understanding as His thoughts are far deeper than my deepest thoughts, and His ways are always right and perfect.

In the beginning God held in His heart, through eternity past, His master plan and design for a special object to cast upon the totality of His being, which is Love. Love designed man in His infinite mind, but this design of the Holy One needed to have a place before He brought the man from His mind to His hand of creation. So Love created a universe so vast no one has found the outer limits of its immensity. In this Universe created, Love called for an earth to come forth. Understand that God loved His plan for man so much that He prepared a place meet for him before He fashioned him lovingly with His hands.

Before Love had completed His task, He did one last loving thing for the man He had shaped from the dust of the place created for the man. You see, when the place was ready, God readied Himself to produce this new life which was sealed within His creative Self. Being the loving Heavenly Father that He is, He gave something of Himself.   He gave Life’s breath; He breathed His Life into the man. Thus man became an eternal living soul having the image of His Creator. This moment, in this place, was a deep, personal, intimate relationship of the holiest zenith at its beginning. This was a holy moment in time, and for all practical purposes of understanding, time had its beginning with that one breath from Love, the Creator God.

God’s love is eternal.   Man’s love was conditional, that is, man could withhold or withdraw his love for God. In his freewill man could stop loving God though to do so is sin. God cannot be other than what He is; Love. Man chose to follow the path of the evil one, which is everything that love is not.

Man now needed a Rescuer. This would require other prepared places. So Love prepared a Bethlehem, then a Golgotha leading to a Throne. Jesus, Love’s Messiah, the Son of God, would occupy each prepared place becoming the Victor Love for all.

Prior to His eternal Victory over death, grave, and the evil one, Jesus promised His followers, we who would believe; He would go and prepare a place for us for all eternity. Through and in Christ Jesus, man once again has a prepared place. Love never ends; Love never fails, for the greatest of all is Love.

Yes, life is hard. Yes, life in itself can be very unfair and painful. However, by trusting in Christ Jesus, either for the first time, or for all your time because He has said that He would never leave you, nor forsake you, you are assured of a place prepared for you, through love, with love, by LOVE.

Believer, take heart in your trials of life, because in Him, you have been a place prepared for Him to dwell by Love’s Holy Spirit. Rejoice! Pray On!

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