Christ Has No Equal

God Bless you Pastor Jude for another dynamite message to us!!! We love you and Liv!!!
Jude Sisneros

The Transfiguration on the mountain in Matt. 17: 1-8 reads like this… ” after six days Jesus took with him Peter , James and John the brother of James , and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2) There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3) Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah , talking with Jesus. 4) Peter said to Jesus, ” Lord it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three tabernacles , one for you , for Moses and one for Elijah. (Key verse) 5)While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said , “This is my Son, whom I love; with I am well pleased. Listen to him !”6) when the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground, terrified. 7) But Jesus came and touched them. ” Get up, ” he said. ” Don’t be afraid.” 8) When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.”
My thoughts…… Wow!!! Talk about being a mosquito in an eagles shadow!!! Jesus had a light spill over him that was brilliant , explosive, brightness coming from every pore, wow!! Jesus was on fire!!! The very presence of God in man, but note… He was the only one .. Yea he had visitors…. Moses and Elijah … But only one was Lord… Peter without knowing had a hard time speaking with his foot in his mouth.. Before he even finished speaking he was interrupted by a cloud from God… It wasn’t meant to scare him… It was to remind him… Bottom line… Peter unknowingly was giving Moses and Elijah equal honor.. And God wasn’t having it… That is why God interrupted Peter while he was still speaking… So what am I trying to say? Christ has no equal.. Only one tabernacle should be built.. Because only one person on that mountain that day deserved to be honored… So my question to you is this… Who are you building tabernacles for? Who are u honoring today? A movie star perhaps? Your possessions, or maybe a rap artist… Or maybe…A pastor? TV evangelist , etc… Don’t get me wrong.. You must give reverence to your pastors… But not more than God.. These men might represent The Lord , but they are not The Lord .. Jesus was displayed that way to Peter , James and John, so that they could understand the vastness of God and his Son Jesus… The very sight of the glowing Galilean sucked all the air and arrogance out of them, and they dropped face down to the Ground.. But the loving touch from the Savior took away all fears, and cleared their vision, so that when they looked up.. They saw nothing but Jesus.. And when he touches you.. The same will happen to you, no fear…. We have to be careful not to memorialize moments with statues, monuments, tabernacles … From Gods perspective .. Peters idea of three tabernacles was so off base and inappropriate that God wouldn’t even let Peter finish his sentence as reflected in v.5. When we realize how great Christ is.. We then realize how small our fears are… Jesus took the disciples I believe for a reason.. He knew what was ahead …. For him and them.. And he wanted them to know.. They have a big God in their corner.. And he wants you to know the same… A small view of God, a wimpy fire less Jesus has no power over the denials that Peter will say in the future… As awe of Jesus expands.. Your fears of life will diminish … I bet you when Peter, James , and John came down from that mountain , they were probably smiling, and had a little giddy- up in their step.. I bet they had their swag on!! Why? Because with a Messiah like this one, they probably thought… Who could hurt us? I pray that it don’t take a transfiguration in our lives to recognize the vastness of our God.. Don’t confine Jesus with an opinion, fall to the ground in prayer… And watch as you look up in fear… Who’s standing there alone with u.. That is all….

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