NM Legislative Update: 2nd Amendment Rally at Capital, My Email From Ben Ray Lujan and DWI Legislation


Press Release: House GOP joins 2nd amendment advocates at the Roundhouse

Santa Fe, NM- Today House Republicans joined 2nd Amendment advocates at the capitol in response to the Governor and Democrat leaders push for red-flag legislation. Both chambers in the legislature are currently hearing bills that would impose firearm protection order laws in New Mexico. HB 7 and SB 5 have both received opposition from law makers, law enforcement and community advocates.

“These bills are an attack on New Mexican rights. The same rights that were provided for by our forefathers, and your rights are worth fighting for,” said House Republican Leader Jim Townsend, “It is time to call your legislators and tell them you are not in favor of these bills. Santa Fe is looking to force their ideals on our communities and it has to stop.”

2nd Amendment Rally at NM Capital

So, I get this desperate email from Ben Ray Luján yesterday. Wow! Desperate politicians make me nervous, putting pressure on people is not nice.  I am a registered Independent. I cannot vote for Lujan as he is for abortion, plus I do not approve of his tactics and other policies. I will support any politician that stands in the gap for God on all issues we face. I will support any politician that lives a life for God and is Biblically sound, a walking Bible, they just don’t say it, they walk it, they shine they light of Jesus ever so brightly!



Here is the first line in the email:

This is bad, Dewey: It’s starting to look like I might not meet my very first goal of the year.

Mr. Lujan, I do not approve! Get a paper route…….like I did when I was a kid, go to work. I am called to raise funds for FGGAM, but never desperate tactics like Lujan sent me. I get emails from so many politicians, I can take their temperature  from them. So many over promise and have not much substance. No wonder we are in trouble as a state and nation. Both major parties are guilty.

Some of these emails I get from politicians show me so much desperation and greed. Not what God has ordered.

Press Release: GOP Reps Rehm and Schmedes sponsor DWI legislation

Santa Fe, NM- Rep. Bill Rehm (R-Albuquerque) is sponsoring House Bill 38 that will enhance and provide tools for law enforcement to enforce impaired driving laws. Additionally, Representative Gregg Schmedes (R-Tijeras) is carrying HB 231, co-sponsored by Rep. Rehm, which would allow law enforcement to obtain blood tests from misdemeanor DWI drivers. Similar legislation has been presented at the Roundhouse in recent years. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers supports the legislation and together with Rep. Rehm and other guests, hosted a press conference on Friday, January 31, 2020 in the capitol rotunda.

“The DWI crisis in New Mexico still looms over our communities and I am focused on preventing another senseless tragedy,” said Rep. Bill Rehm, “HB 38 is a solution that this legislature must pass when it discusses legalizing recreational marijuana. Legalizing recreational marijuana will increase our DWI drugged driving problem leading to more DWI tragedies. I surely hope that the House chamber will discuss this important bill and enact it into law.”

House Bill 38 and HB 231 have been filed during the 2020 legislative session and both are awaiting action by Governor or the House of Representatives that would consider it germane for debate during the 2020 thirty-day budget focused legislative session.

“HB 231 is important to discuss as marijuana legalization is being considered,” said Rep. Gregg Schmedes, “New Mexico’s law needs to catch up with current tools that we can provide for law enforcement to better protect the public from DWI tragedies.”

This story just breaks my heart and makes me sick to my stomach! We have a horrible problem here in Albuquerque and the entire state. Too much politics and not enough of Godly-sense! Politics and a rotten system are ruining the lives of many. We need God, not the promises of politicians. I have been in news most for my 42 years in radio, still am, I have been lied to by politicians, live on the air, both Republicans and Democrats. Some will not talk to me, like former New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, a Republican, who promised me and the KKIM listeners live on the air after her first victory that she would stop abortion in our state, she never tried. I know who to trust, God!

I went to see Governor Martinez when she was still Governor, I had a promised meeting with her by Keith Gardner, her aide, but I waited and waited in her office, never happened. Now I know why I did not get invited to her ‘world famous’ pizza party!


New Mexico 16-Year-Old Gets 30 Days in Jail for Murder

Evil is real – and powerful. It has to be fought, not explained away, not fled. And God is against evil all the way. So each of us has to decide where we stand, how we’re going to live our lives. We can try to persuade ourselves that evil doesn’t exist; live for ourselves and wink at evil. We can say that it isn’t so bad after all, maybe even try to call it fun by clothing it in silks and velvets. We can compromise with it, keep quiet about it and say it’s none of our business. Or we can work on God’s side, listen for His orders on strategy against the evil, no matter how horrible it is, and know that He can transform it.


I will tell you this, that after the 30-day legislative session is over, all these horrible things will keep adding up, as people need to give their lives to God, and I mean all politicians and Judges.

These folks think all we need is more laws. You cannot legislate morality.

If you do not have God, you are blinded by Satan.  Cannot you see the results of this in America!!???!!


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