We Are in Prayer: United Methodist Church Expected to Split Over Gay Marriage


 So very sad……I have many friends in the Methodist Church…….also Pastor friends…….very sad…….my heart breaks………We are in prayer……..It was Pastor Barry Dickens, now deceased, of the Methodist Church in Los Alamos, NM years ago that helped me get on the road to become a Pastor. My Dear Brother Pastor Rick Frederickson from my hometown of Windom, Minnesota, a tremendous man of God, is Pastor of the Methodist Church in Springfield, Minn. I just spoke at the Men’s Breakfast at Paradise Hills Methodist Church in Albuquerque. I have many friends at Paradise Hills. There are many Methodist Churches that will remain traditional.

More From The Council Of Methodist Bishops

United Methodist Church expected to split over gay marriage
Leaders of the church — among the only remaining nonevangelical Protestant churches that don’t perform gay marriages — announced they had agreed to spin off a “traditionalist Methodist” denomination, which would continue to oppose gay marriage and to refuse ordination to LGBT clergy. The remaining portion of the United Methodist Church would permit same-sex marriage […]

Read in The Washington Post: https://apple.news/ACQO0gSlHS7qkMUs3SDAc1A

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