My Precious Wife

Today is our wedding anniversary. Sharon deserves all the love in the world! She is so very precious to so many! She is my eternal partner! We are one! She has helped make me a better man of God, without her FGGAM would not be possible! Imagine coming home one night and telling your wife your leaving your 90 thousand dollar a year job to go into full time ministry and starting with zero! God was calling us! Sharon said we must do it, she never batted an eye! She sold off many of her personal belongings for the first 2 1/2 years so we could keep going! God never orders anything unless He has already paid for it! Sharon has helped soften my heart so much over the years, God and her and the kids and grand babies have been so very good to me. She has always been there with me through thick and thin. Sharon always puts others before herself! She is a precious wife, ministry partner, mother and grandma and RN! I love giving her flowers because her and flowers both bloom for God! Love you Babe! Thank you Lord for my eternal partner!
What more could a man ask for?
I just got an ecard from Sharon! I wish you could see it!!!
Here is what she wrote…….so much love……..I love ecards!!!!!!!!!

Dear Dewey,

As the years go by our marriage gets better and better as my love for you grows stronger. You are such a kind and loving man. I’m glad we found each other. We make a great team!

Happy Anniversary, Sweetie! My love for you goes to the moon and back.

I love you,


By the way people always wonder if Sharon is on Facebook, she is not, she does not like social media.

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