“Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world”

Good Bless you Pastor Jude Sisneros for this message!!!! We love you and yours very much!
Jude Sisneros

In 2 John Verses 7-11…” many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work”. ….. MY THOUGHTS!!!! John is speaking about anyone who brings forth teachings that doesn’t line up with his Word.. Anyone who does so is a deceiver, an impostor, anyone who does this is totally anti- Christ. The great danger of deceitful leaders and pretenders is that they seem so sincere and believable. They are not easy to spot in a crowd. Of course we do not want to become paranoid and suspicious about everyone we meet, but we do need to be wise in evaluating the character and conduct of those who would seek to influence people. Bottomline … The way a teacher, an, evangelist or a pastor lives their lives will speak false volumes about what they believe about Christ. So why is John instructing believers to not show hospitality to false teachers? Because the believer should not encourage such falsehoods.. If a believer were to invite them into their house, that would show that the believers were approving of what the false teachers said and did. Some people will argue saying “ So are you encouraging believers to not show hospitality to unbelievers?” I’m glad you asked.. No I’m not implying that at all.. I’m merely condemning the support of those dedicated to opposing the true teachings of God. John clearly states that a person who supports a false teacher in any way shares in the teachers evil work.. My ending point… We as teachers of Gods Word have to be transparent… As a Pastor I fail miserably at times.. My cuz Mable Lopez says that she has never seen a Pastor that tells on himself like I do when I’m on the pulpit.. That’s because we are servants under a microscope and not on a elevated pulpit.. I refuse to allow false teaching to come into my house( My temple) and I will not welcome it. If you chose to put forth your own twist, or ideology on your teachings, and try to slap a Jesus label on it, do it moving..I don’t want to hear it, or don’t want it around me.. I might sound harsh my brothers and sisters, but I’m serious about God’s Word, and because I trip up daily I need his Word.. False teachings is serious business my friends. And we better not overlook it.. Because our world has so many false teachings, just watch some of those ridiculous false evangelist “Seed peddlers” on late night TV.. yea I said it.. We might take them lightly, instead we should realize the dangers they pose, and actively refuse to give their heresies any foothold my friends. Get busy living, or get busy dying… The choice is yours… I chose to live in Christ… that is all..

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