What Can God Do With Very Little to Nothing?


Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:31 That is what we do here at FGGAM! All for the Glory of God!!! Amen! We love you all in Jesus!

All I do is for God’s Glory! Not mine, but God and all people! It is what runs my old engine! LOL! I love the term “All Sold Out For God”

I am in the best part of my life, it is something else to know you are right where God wants you to be. You feel His presence, you hear him, He guides you. The closer you get to God, the less stupid things you do and say. I will also share that God has really softened my heart over the years, but at the same time, I stand firm in His Word and ways. But, that firmness is all in love, not being mean. The Country has turned mean, Too many Christians say and do mean things, such a very bad witness to an unbelieving world. Of course it is not easy at times, there are hard times, but they pass. When people ask me, like a lady did the other day, “I don’t know anymore about God, I don’t see him here in Albuquerque…..(Many are asking just that here in ABQ, with all the homicides and other violent crime, they are looking for the Church to address this, many do not) Anyhow, to know God is to want to share His love with all. In talking with this lovely lady she began to see the works of God, but is not all in, not ready to return. We will visit again soon.

What a just shared is a lot of what I do during my days here in Albuquerque, and in other places across America by phone, especially into my home state of Minnesota, where we have strong ties. Our ministry program ‘House of Hope’ is on the air on radio stations back home. It is also where we have held Revivals. We also run scripture ads in the Cottonwood County Citizen and I am blessed to write a devotional column for the newspaper on a rotating basis with other pastors. I also right for the Chama, New Mexico Times. God is very good to me and Sharon.

I posted this on Facebook last night to share…….I want to share it with you to show God took little to nothing 7 1/2 years ago and He has created a worldwide ministry for His Glory Alone! We stared with no funds….nothing…I left a $85,000 radio managers job, But God filled the gap along with Sharon, who has sacrificed much over the years…….I remember a friend telling me. “God never orders anything unless he has already paid for it.” SO TRUE! But, you have to have a close personal relationship to hear Him and what He wants you to do. So many go off into the woods thinking they have heard the Lord.

My Year End Report: Conservative Figure, I always am conservative on numbers because I allow for margin of error, but FGGAM has reached over 1.1 million people this year! World wide! The Lord told me when we started, reach one person at a time! These figures include our preaching, 7 years at FBC in Reserve this month, also filling the pulpit at other Churches from time to time, and speaking at Men’s Breakfasts,  revivals, radio program, which reaches parts of sw Minnesota, eastern South Dakota, northern Iowa, web site, Facebook, newspaper, YouTube, SoundCloud , Twitter, hospital/nursing home visits, funerals, baptisms, weddings, counseling. That was my report to the Board of Directors last week. If you benefit from our ministry would you pray about a year end love offering? This is our testimony to you all! We have 25 volunteer writers for the website and a car, in home office, internet, a great Board, and supporters, great radio stations and newspapers and much more! We are nothing fancy, dancy, we just focus on what God has called us to do! Biggest gift we have is Our Lord is with us and I have my Sharon as my partner! Hallelujah! You can donate from the website! All Glory God! PTL! Hallelujah! 

Without Sharon there would be know FGGAM. Sharon has sacrificed so much, especially the first 2 1/2 years selling off belongings so we could keep going. You never forget things like that! You also never forget all the folks who helped get you started and are still with you to this day. We love you all! The writers for God here at FGGAM, blow us away in their love and commitment to serve God here at FGGAM!

Please pray about a monthly love offering to FGGAM, Thank you for your consideration.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

My life verse: “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

Since many of you do not know us, maybe the letters from others will help you know more about the hearts of myself and Sharon. I think, many think, we do not need funding. We try to produce good fruit for Jesus.


I have long been interested in how ministries function.  How they exist and transform lives.  But more than that, I have always been interested in the people who propel those ministries.  Many times, a particular ministry is the outward manifestation of the Spirit and personality of the one who started that particular ministry.  Men and women of God who are sold out to God in their daily lives, fleshing out, through the power of the Holy Spirit, a ministry that equips and encourages the saints of God.  Successful ministries, those that change lives for Christ, are a product of men and women who love Jesus more than anything else.  Men and women who are investing in Kingdom work.  The ministry of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries is this type of ministry.  And it is led by a husband and wife team that love Jesus more than this world.  Pastor Dewey and his wife Sharon have come along side of me and encouraged me, and equipped me in my walk with Christ and in my ministry.  Pastor Dewey is a dying breed.  He was cut out of a cloth that they just don’t make any more.  A circuit preacher bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to people all over New Mexico and the country through his radio program.  Preaching revivals and pastoring churches.  He drives hundreds of miles, spends countless hours serving and loving others for one reason and one reason only…..to bring Glory to God.  He’s a man who has dedicated his life to serving his Lord and Savior.  When you tell God, “Here I am, send me.” God will put you to work.  But to Pastor Dewey, it’s not work, it’s love.  Love for his Savior and love for others.  He’s a good friend that speaks the truth in love.  No, men like him don’t come along often.  I’m glad to call him my friend and brother in ministry.  For God’s Glory Alone Ministries has a special place in my heart.  Love you brother!

God Bless you and Sharon, Alan Wimbish, former Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Mexico.

As a veterinarian, I can judge someone’s character by the relationship they have with their beloved companion animals. No two people have greater character than Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede. I have never known any better stewards of God than they. I have been blessed to help care for their beloved companion animals and their love and compassion towards them are second to none. In veterinary medicine we are rewarded in many ways, but the unique bonds we are able to make with not only our patients, but their owners are very fulfilling and special. When Pastor Dewey and Sharon enter a room, one can feel love, loyalty, compassion, honesty, and warmth in their presence. They are not only veterinary clients of mine, but are truly mentors of God and two of my very best friends for life.

Steve Hopkins, DVM

Steve and I are pictured at the top on the TV program I used to do, “Dewey and Friends” Buffy, Reno and I made many visits, as they took the job of Ministry Dogs for years, visiting the lonely, the sick…and then Reno and Daisy would love to minister to children. Below, Steve came to visit Buffy at our home 5 years ago when she passed away. Steve also came to help when Reno passed away last Saturday. You never forget this kind of love and care that Steve has shown us all these years, the love of Jesus!

From Pastor Richard Mansfield upon hearing of Reno’s passing, shared these two scriptures….

Psalms‬ ‭36:6-7‬ “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O LORD. How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.”

This letter is from Pastor Jude Sisneros of Albuquerque, pictured at the very top, Pastor Dewey Moede just below.

Jude Sisneros

I write this letter in the full Spirit of the Lord acknowledging the work that my brother, friend, fellow Pastor (Dewey Moede)does through FGGAM. I am literally writing this letter with tears in my eyes, thanking God for the impact Pastor Dewey is making daily through his ministry, his writings, and for his heart reaching out to the lost and the bound, impacting the hurting world through his writings using the True Word of the Gospel. Charles Spurgeon once said,” Whenever God means to make a man great, He always breaks him in pieces first.” I believe that best describes Pastor Dewey’s approach in all he does for the Kingdom of God. I get to have personal one on one conversations with so many pastors each year, And although I have yet to have the privilege to have a conversation with Pastor Dewey, I can assure you without ever having that pleasure, I’ve known him all my life. That’s the type of impact he has on all that come in contact with him. I have nothing but the upmost respect for those in our pulpits each and every Sunday, but there is several things I want to say about Pastor Dewey who will travel most anywhere, bringing the good news of the Lord to any place no matter how far he has to travel.


I encourage all to take the time and read the daily writings Pastor Dewey shares, and here is few ways he has impacted me.


I respect the supernatural ability God has given you to take a passage of scripture, and pull out the truths that bring all of us comfort and guidance toward Godly living.


God has given you unconditional patience and kindness, that has been reflected to so many especially me and my wife.


I respect your bravery, you don’t shy away from tough passages, which can at times not be well received in this politically correct culture we live in today.


I respect your diligence, because I know that sometimes you have to make hard decisions when it comes to hard subject matters that is touchy, or that might cause some to take offense.


I respect your preparation, which I witness daily that usually starts early in the morning while everyone sleeps, with the primary goal to bring a fresh Word of the Lord to all before we awake.


I respect the love you show for your wife, which encourages me to love my wife more.


I respect the compassion you show, and I know it is because of the callused knees you probably have as you go before the Lord in prayer for those you love.


I respect your commitment to Jesus and His mission, because you love the Lord so much, you answered the call to go into world and bring Jesus to those that are in need.


I respect your vision, you see those in the world as what they could become, not what they currently are.


And most of all I respect what no one sees…If I was to use my life as a measuring stick, at what Pastor goes through, I can say that I respect the fact that you were probably broken to pieces by God. Personal Heartbreaks, Doubt, Disappointments, Sadness, Devastation, Hurt feelings, Sleepless Nights, Unspeakable pain, at yet we don’t talk about this part of our journey much. I believe the main reason God uses you so effectively is I believe you have been broken to pieces for His Glory, and the benefits is that you never quit. You will finish the race.

Pastor Dewey for that.. I say thank you…And I believe countless others feel the same. And because you take the sufferings that go with ministry at times, I believe others have met Jesus.. the fruits of your obedience. I just want to say thank you one more time…Love in Jesus… Pastor Jude Sisneros in Albuquerque, NM

Would You Please Pray About Supporting the Efforts of Pastor Dewey and FGGAM?

Proverbs‬ ‭12:10‬ “The godly care for their animals, but the wicked are always cruel.”

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