Returns Start Today! Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Returns Start Today!

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Last evening I was watching Christian Television (TBN). I love to watch Bishop T.D. Jakes, The Potters Touch. He is a spiritual father to so many across this globe. His message about God giving you back 100 times what you lost made me shout a little, well a whole lot. The enemy of our soul tries to steal our inheritance that was given to us from the finished work of the cross. One thing for sure, he is defeated foe. Our God made a public spectacle of him. He sure did! (Colossians 2:15)

This morning as I sit taking communion at my own dining room table, I thank the Lord for returning everything the enemy has stolen times 100 just like Bishop Jakes preached last evening. It was in the losing, I learned to fight with God’s Holy Scriptures, not just for me but for you as well.

Some people collect a lot of things, I collect broken hearts. I want to see people enjoy the life they have been given. I want to enjoy the life I have been given. Today, let’s ask God to pay us back for everything lost or stolen in our lives x 100. I am sure he will honor his Word. Amen? Let’s Pray these scriptures together.

Father, thank your for Christ, our Savior and King. Emmanuel, God truly is with us. Father, today we pray Mark 10:30 that tells us we will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the age to come, eternal life. 

Father, just as Isaac sowed in the land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold, we thank you for the hundredfold return on our sowing. (Genesis 26:12) Just as you, oh God, blessed Isaac, the same blessing applies to us. Thank you for it, we receive it.

Father, we thank you for good crops in our region, homes and businesses (Aroostook County). We ask you for the peoples of our nation (America) and around the world to receive their full inheritance, according to your Word. The one hundred times return starts now in my life and all who will believe and receive.

Father, this morning we stand strong on your Word to us. You are not a God that you should lie. (Number 23:19) We are cashing in. Thank you for our inheritance in you. Amen!

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Luke 8:8

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