UPDATE: Please Pray For Cowboy Deacon Charles McCargish!


UPDATED at 4:48pm Tuesday Dec. 3rd: Charles had successful surgery on his knee! PTL!!! He is now resting!!! Please continue to pray for healing! Thank you for the prayers, the family really appreciates them!

Pictured left to right, me, Joan McCargish, Shari Johnson and Deacon Charles. This was taken at FBC in Reserve during the October Revival!

I have come to love 85-year-old Cowboy Deacon Charles McCargish of FBC in Reserve so very much! He and his wife Joan greeted me with open arms when I first came to preach at FBC ,7 years ago this month! They both have taught me a lot about true faith in God! We are best friends forever!!!!

This morning I come to you and ask for your prayers for Charles as he undergoes surgery on one of his knees. The Doctor told Charles that they are going to try and repair the knee for now, and not do knee replacement. Charles is at the Silver City Hospital for his surgery this morning. I will keep,you all posted as much as I can.

Please pray for complete healing for Charles and peace and comfort for Joan. We also pray for wisdom for the surgeon and nurses and all those treating Charles. in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Thank you for praying!!!

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