DOMESTIC TERRORISM!!!! Five People Stabbed at Rabbi’s Home in New York, Suspect Arrested, Shooting at Texas Church Kills Two

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35
New York Gov. Cuomo calls Hanukkah stabbing attack “act of domestic terrorism”
A man stabbed people celebrating Hanukkah at the home of a rabbi in Rockland County, a New York City suburb, on Saturday night. The incident comes amid a surge of anti-Semitic violence in the region.Read in NPR:
Five people stabbed at rabbi’s home in New York, suspect arrested
A suspect was arrested about two hours later in New York City, a police official said.Read in NBC News: from Apple News
Yisrael Beytenu head Avigdor Liberman says the solution to antisemitism is immigration to Israel. Media reports that the Guardian Angels would start patrolling New York City’s Brooklyn borough.

Let us be in prayer Team Jesus!

Armed worshippers quickly kill gunman after fatal shooting at Texas church
Two people were killed and one was critically injured in a shooting during service at West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, near Fort Worth, TX. It was churchgoers who took down the gunman.

Read in Star-Telegram:

Shared from Apple News

Church Shooting Update Sunday Night

From Fort Worth Texas:

One person was dead and two people were in critical condition Sunday after a shooting was reported at a White Settlement church, officials say.

The shooting was reported about 11:30 a.m. at the West Freeway Church of Christ in the 1900 block of South Las Vegas Trail.

Shooting at Texas Church

We are not the America I know…….We have turned into such a violent country…..We are in prayer for all those in that were stabbed and everyone in the house! We pray for the safety of all Jewish people in America. It is tragic what is happening to America. It is hell on earth when people are not safe in their own homes!
Oh America! return to God…..AMERICA BLESS GOD!!!! Stop saying God Bless America!!!! HE HAS, WE ARE THE ONES NOT BLESSING GOD!!! AMEN!
Years ago here in Albuquerque, a speaker was sharing with us Pastors that we need to stop saying God Bless America, we need to bless God. I wish I could remember that Pastors name. God Bless America, has become so loosely used by politicians and others. As a country we have kicked God to the curb, God blessed America as the greatest country ever, we are the ones that have sinned against Him. We kill his babies through abortion and all sorts of evil things. Do you think God is happy with America?
Today I was watching INSP to catch Charles Stanley and this other preacher was on and he was showing off his new church complex, 50 foot Christmas tree with changing colors, a water fountain that shoots that water out, tuned too the music, a whole new big complex……what does this have to do with JESUS? So much money into frills and thrills…..Sadly INSP has to many preachers that spend money on frills and thrills and set such a bad example for unbelievers! That fellow Mike Murdock, makes me so sad during those INSP Camp Meetings that are on in the morning telling people to send in a $1,000 seed and they will be blessed, your mortgage will be paid and all other miracles will happen, they prey off the gullible. This is why many nonbelievers see the church as, money hungry. I tell you when I managed Christian radio stations, programs like this would not be on the air. These folks that preach the ‘prosperity gospel’ have messed with the Word of God. What is your testimony to unbelievers?

Shooter in Texas church kills two: What Hanukkah teaches us about the presence and provision of God

December 30, 2019  |  READ TIME: 6 minutes
In The Daily Article today:

  • Gunfire in a church in suburban Fort Worth, Texas
  • China intends to rewrite the Bible
  • A significant anniversary for one of God’s most hopeful servants
Gunfire broke out yesterday morning during worship services at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, a suburb of Fort Worth, Texas.A gunman shot two people before two members who are part of the church security team shot him. The gunman and one of his victims died at the hospital. A second victim was resuscitated on the way to the hospital but died later.

One of the victims, Anton “Tony” Wallace, was a husband, father, grandfather, and registered nurse. His daughter said, “You don’t think it’s going to hit home and the fact that it hit our home and someone that supports us and loves us and is our dad [is gone], that’s what hurts the most.”

China intends to rewrite the Bible

Attacks on Christians are escalating worldwide. For example, more than a thousand Christians have been killed in Nigeria this year. One believer said, “Our home is destroyed. The hospital was burnt. They tried to burn the roof of the church by piling up the chairs, like a bonfire. Life is frightening.”

Ideological pressure is being brought against our faith as well. For instance, China intends to rewrite the Bible to reflect its Communist ideology. The Committee for Ethnic Affairs has announced a “comprehensive evaluation of the existing religious classics aiming at contents which do not conform to the progress of the times.”

According to reports, “Jesus Christ’s parables” will have to fall “in line with the Communist Party, failing which they run the risk of being purged from the bibles [sic] available to the faithful.”

Religious persecution is not limited to Christians. Communist officials in China are targeting the Qur’an and Buddhist texts for revisions as well. And anti-Semitic hate crimes in New York City are up 50 percent this year. Assaults on Jews nationally are up 105 percent over last year. Especially horrifying was the stabbing attack Saturday night that left five Hasidic Jews wounded.

To summarize, the Associated Press reports that “houses of worship were attacked with deadly frequency in 2019.” Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, and Jews all suffered assaults.

“The key not to the past, but to the future”

Corrie ten Boom was released from the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Northern Germany seventy-five years ago today.

She and her family had been arrested because of their work with the underground resistance in their native Holland, where they sheltered Jews from the Germans during World War II. Her parents were murdered; her sister died of starvation at Ravensbruck.

Corrie was released on this day due to a clerical error. She spent the rest of her life proclaiming the gospel of forgiveness and grace.

Her story illustrates this fact: opposition to our faith is an opportunity for Jesus.

When we use persecution and temptation to turn to our Lord in dependent commitment, we position ourselves to experience his presence and provision in transforming ways. Then, as he empowers us, our courage and perseverance become a powerful witness to a skeptical and antagonistic culture.

Speaking of challenges to our faith, Corrie ten Boom noted: “I know that such memories are the key not to the past, but to the future. I know that the experiences of our lives, when we let God use them, become the mysterious and perfect preparation for the work he will give us to do.”

What Hanukkah teaches us

The Bible is filled with proof that she is right.

David learned from defeating lions and bears that he could defeat Goliath with the help of God (1 Samuel 17:36). Paul learned from his “thorn in the flesh” that God’s “power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). When John met the risen Christ on the prison island of Patmos, he learned that our Lord is truly “with [us] always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20; Revelation 1:12ff).

The Jewish tradition of Hanukkah is another reminder of God’s past provision and future help. In the second century before Christ, Seleucids (Syrian-Greek forces) controlled Israel and tried to paganize the nation. Against all odds, Jewish soldiers led by Judas the Maccabee defeated them, reclaimed the temple in Jerusalem, and rededicated it to the service of God. (“Hanukkah” means “dedication.”)

However, when they sought to relight the Menorah (the seven-branched candelabrum), they found only a single cruse of olive oil that had escaped contamination by the Greeks. Miraculously, this one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days, until new oil could be prepared under conditions of ritual purity.

To commemorate and publicize these miracles, Jewish leaders instituted the festival of Hanukkah. The ancient celebration that ends tonight reminds Jews around the world that as God has been faithful in the past, he will be faithful in the future.

A question worth reflection today

Each time we read of religious persecution, we should stop and pray for those being persecuted. We should ask God to protect them, strengthen them, and use their courage to advance his kingdom for his glory.

Would you stop and offer such intercession right now?

And, as we consider their suffering, let’s remember Corrie ten Boom’s claim that “the experiences of our lives” can become “the mysterious and perfect preparation for the work [God] will give us to do.” For example, I learned from the ways God provided for our family after my father died that I could trust him to provide for our family when our son was diagnosed with cancer.

As one year ends and another begins, here’s a question worth reflection today: What has your past taught you about God’s future?

NOTE: It’s hard to believe that only two days remain in 2019. This year in The Daily Article, I’ve covered incredible stories of culture-changing Christians and challenging news items that seem to attack our most foundational beliefs.

But I believe that 2020 may be our most demanding year yet as Christians in a post-truth culture. There are only 48 hours left to have your gift DOUBLED by a generous matching grant (up to $175,000)! Please give now to have a lasting impact.

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Past posts:

Hearts must be changed to change the world we live in. We must fulfill the Great Commission. It is not a suggestion, it is a directive from our Lord. Laws and politicians cannot change this world we live in, only JESUS! Hearts that are given to our Lord. The Church needs to wake up and fulfill the Great Commission, as Pastor Don Kimbro told me a few years back, “We are not baptizing enough people.” How many baptisms has your Church had over the last year?

America has a problem, harden hearts of many! It is an epidemic. So many think they set the standards of life. GOD DOES!!! GOD SETS THE STANDARD FOR EVERYTHING!!! Where did man ever get the idea that he sets the standards?

Does your Church have a plan for people after they get baptized? So many that are baptized, go off into the world and do not have a guide, and go backwards in their faith. I see this all the time, no follow through on the Churches part. You should hear the stories I hear from people that have left the Church! We here at FGGAM try to get people reconnected to a Church. We deal with tough cases. We show the love of JESUS to all! That is the work that ther Lord has assigned us!

As the Church goes, the Country goes…….

Jesus is clearly popular in our culture. Barna research reports that 73 percent of Americans identify as Christians. According to Gallup, that’s far higher than the percentage of Americans who identify as Republicans (26 percent) or Democrats (30 percent). Census data shows that Christians outnumber any racial demographic in our country.

However, while nearly three in four Americans say they are Christians, Barna reports that only 55 percent attended a church service in the last six months. Other studies show that only 23 to 25 percent of us attend three Sundays out of eight.

I want to point out that Abby Johnson, formerly of Planned Parenthood, was won over to Jesus by the love of Jesus, not protests and hate, Read more about the Abby Johnson story and the movie based on her conversion.

Human history shows that the natural mind becomes progressively self-destructive if left to its own desires. People who are directed by their natural minds walk in darkness and have incorrect thinking. Please read Eph. 4:17,18

Why is the World full of evil?

“So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” Eph 4: 17, 18.

The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of the Spirit. The natural mind walks the road of hopelessness and self-destruction.

We the Church, must carry out the Great Commission

Pastor Don Kimbro posted this yesterday……..

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. – Matthew 28:19-20

This passage of scripture, known as the “Great Commission” is how the church has long identified one of Jesus’ closing instructions to his disciples prior to His ascension into heaven.

However, the Barna Research Group recently conducted a study of the U.S. church’s ideas about missions, social justice, Bible translation and other aspects of spreading the gospel around the world and found that when asked if they had previously heard of the “Great Commission,” half of U.S. churchgoers (51 percent) said they did not know the term.

One in four (25 percent), said they had heard the term but weren’t sure what it meant. Sadly, just 17 percent said they knew that the “Great Commission” is Jesus assigning his followers to spread the Gospel. Six percent of churchgoers said they weren’t sure whether they had heard the term before.*


The “Great Commission” spells out one of the central purposes for all believers (see also Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:44-49; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:8).

After salvation, our lives belong to Jesus Christ who died to purchase our freedom from sin and death (1 Corinthians 6:20; Galatians 3:13; Revelation 5:9). He redeemed us so that we might be used to bring others into His Kingdom, as well. The “Great Commission” is the final instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to His disciples to spread His teachings to all the nations of the world.

So, how are we doing church? In some quarters, apparently not very well. Please let that not be said of you and me. Maranatha!

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