Working for the Lord Rather Than People


I love Pastor Randall Floyd and his ministry at Assemblies of God In Clayton, NM! Yesterday, Pastor Randall and Church member Eloy Ban (pictured) traveled to Des Moines, NM to deliver supplies to the school there! The heart of Pastor Randall and his congregation is HUGE! They do this type of giving to schools in several communities in the area! I love it when I get invited to Clayton! Love you all!

Who are you working for? How are you giving to your community? Have you answered your calling from God? How is your Church serving your area? Are you fulfilling the Great Commission?

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Ephesians 6:7Clayton Assemblies of God Website

I am so very blessed to call Pastor Randall and Eloy best friends!

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13

More on the Great Commission:

When I first met Pastor Jim Montoya when he came into KKIM Radio in Albuquerque years ago to meet me, he really preached the importance of The Great Commission to me! Then when I became his Associate Pastor at the Open Door Church of God in Los Lunas, New Mexico, it became my main focus and years later it still is here at FGGAM! God Bless you Pastor Jim for helping train me up!

The Great Commission is really the heart and soul of FGGAM. Sharing the light of Jesus to one person at a time. Sharing the love of Jesus to the world on our website, radio, podcasting, newspaper and being a circuit preacher! Hitting the road for Jesus!

Is evangelism a thing of the past for the American church? It makes one wonder when 51% of churchgoers are unfamiliar with the term “The Great Commission,” according to a new study from Barna. But according to Outreach Magazine’s “100 Fastest Growing Churches” report, evangelism is alive and well!

To be crystal clear: The Great Commission is in Matthew 28:18-20 where Jesus gave His last directions to His followers before ascending to heaven: More Here


April 01, 2019

What Makes a Church Powerful?

1 Corinthians 1:26-31; 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

What factors determine whether a church is powerful or weak? Oftentimes people make such evaluations based on appearances and human reasoning rather than on God’s Word.

For instance, large congregations with dynamic worship services and programs for every age and interest group look impressive. Or a church could be viewed as powerful because of its prominent location, a big budget, or the pastor with a magnetic personality. In contrast, small churches—especially those with few members, a rural setting, and little money—are often considered lesser.

The point is that we can’t judge a church’s strength or weakness based on outward factors like size, location, prosperity, or prominence. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians points out that a strong church is one that is founded on the message of the cross and grounded in God’s wisdom rather than the world’s.

God’s power is given to the church for His purposes, not for human agendas. And it isn’t a persuasive sermon but the gospel of Christ that can save souls. Some pastors may be able to manipulate people, but only God’s Spirit brings the genuine conviction of sin that leads to repentance and salvation.

For divine power to flow into and through a local body, that church must hold firmly to Scripture. What’s more, it cannot use techniques derived from worldly thinking but must rely on God’s direction.

A faith community cannot be powerful unless the people within it are individually submitted to Christ and empowered by Him. This means our commitment to Jesus affects our churches for better or for worse.

Bible in One Year: 1 Samuel 25-26

2019 Guidebook Q2-April


In Touch Ministries · P.O. Box 7900 · Atlanta, GA 30357-0900 · USA

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