Should I Quit My Job With an Unethical Employer?


Tribune Content Agency

Should I quit my job with an unethical employer?

Nov 2, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My work is rewarding to me, but my employer is asking me to do unethical things that make me uncomfortable. I am wondering if I should look for another job before I get fired for insubordination. What’s the answer? — D.E.

A: The Bible says that evil corrupts good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33). The Bible also teaches that purity of conduct includes truthfulness. God’s Word teaches that we should be truthful and never worry about consequences.

When we find ourselves facing compromise we should turn away. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus rebuked all hypocritical behavior. We are to be truthful in our business affairs. All misrepresentations of the quality of our merchandise, all false weights and measures, all padding of expense accounts, all forging of checks and other legal papers, and all unjust alterations of accounts are sins of untruthfulness and indicate lack of purity.

The farmer who puts his spoiled wheat between two layers of good wheat when he takes it to the market and the fruit grower who puts his best fruit on top of the bad, are dishonest. The tourist who misrepresents an article that is subject to duty on entering the country and the taxpayer who does not supply all the required information are dishonest. Being pure in conduct also includes honesty and integrity in dealing with our fellowmen. A Christian should be known in his or her neighborhood or place of business as an honest person, one who can be trusted and one who will not compromise under any circumstance.

Integrity means our outward life is consistent with our inner convictions based on God’s truth. God blesses the person of integrity. He never directs in a way contrary to His character, and if we choose truthfulness over peer pressure, He will lead us in the right pathway. “He who walks with integrity walks securely” (Proverbs 10:9).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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