Albuquerque’s Veterans Day Ceremony, will be from 10 a.m. to noon at the Memorial at Louisiana and Gibson SE. Albuquerque Journal Report on Veterans Day in ABQ
Here is a post from 2014 from Shonda Savage that always gets so many reads……..

I am thankful I served my country as an Airman in the U.S. Air Force.
I served during the Gulf War years and received ribbons for my service during a war. Yet, I confess to you after separating from the service, I seldom raised my hand to admit I am a veteran.
Not that I’m ashamed to be a veteran for I proudly served my country. However, I felt disappointment that during my service tenure during the Gulf War that I did not actually serve on foreign soil in the conflict.
I still believe that those who ACTUALLY risked their lives for our American freedoms deserve much more recognition.
You see, my friends, there is a camaraderie among the troops to protect one another. To leave the comforts of home and move ahead in the face of danger to protect our nation from her enemies.
I felt the same way. Willingly, I would have left my family and placed my life at risk for each of my fellow soldiers, as well as for each and every one of you.
Though my number was not called to go, many have. Many never came home. May the God of all comfort, comfort their loved ones. Many returned with injuries both visible and invisible. Their lives will never be the same. May the God who heals, restore their lives.
Shortly after I separated from serving our country in the U.S. Air Force, I joined the ranks as a service member in the Armed Forces of another kingdom. I joined the Kingdom of God by accepting, by faith, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
If you have also accepted Jesus as your Savior then we are brothers and sisters serving in God’s military. We serve side by side in the Kingdom of God.
Just as there is a camaraderie among our troops to defend our nation against her enemies, there is a brotherhood among those in the Army of God to protect other believers in the Kingdom, and to snatch as many as possible from the enemy’s hands.
For love, Christ sacrificed His life for us. Therefore, as members of God’s military and because we love Him, we willingly choose to place our lives at risk for one another against our enemy. The love of Christ bonds us together. There’s no greater love than this.
Be sure to thank a veteran for their sacrifice!
© 2014 Shonda Savage