What Keeps a Preacher Going?


My life verse……..

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

This week has been such a blessing from our Lord!I am on a spiritual high!  My Dear Sister in Christ Shari Johnson, The Jesus Chick, from West Virginia came out here to New Mexico with her best friend Gloria Walker Jones to join me in ministry. We traveled to FBC in Magdalena this past Sunday, FBC in Reserve on Wednesday and Shari and Gloria were at FBC in Glenwood last night. This is what I live for……to tell others about JESUS!

Wednesday morning I awoke to work post news and inspiration on our website FGGAM.ORG at 1:30am, I got home from Reserve at 1:30am on Thursday morning!!! God covered me in safety! I go back to Reserve Sunday to preach!!! i Love the work the Lord has assigned me!

Don Kimbro Paul said, “I have been sent out to tell others about the life God has promised through Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 1:1). God told Pastor Dewey to do the same thing. Well done, brother.

Pastor Don Kimbro is one of my Heroes of Faith! WISDOM AND MORE GODLY WISDOM, Pastor Don has helped me grow as a Pastor.

Then this…….this puts fuel in my tank…………..My post from Thursday…..

 It is a Pastors prayer to baptize people, to help people come to Jesus, to further their relationship with Jesus. That is what I was blessed to take part in last night at FBC in Reserve. My Dear Sister in Christ Eddilu Brown, pictured above, shines her light so brightly for Jesus! Amen! What a blessing to baptize Eddilu!!!!

Please Pray About a Love Offering to Keep Gas in the Tank

Billy Graham and Baptism

Several years ago my Hero of Faith, Pastor Don Kimbro of Albuquerque said to me, “The Church in America is struggling because it is not baptizing enough people, not raising them up to be mature Christians” It is so important to help people mature in Christ, to be by their side.

Last night during our Revival at FBC in Reserve I preached Heaven and Hell. It is not preached enough! The Church has lost much of its salt. Billy Graham never preached a sermon without preaching Heaven, Hell, Sin, Repentance, Forgiveness…….I preached a bit on the wrath of God……not many want to hear that! Not many want to read Revelation. Too many want their ‘ears tickled’ and too many Pastors accommodate them.

Stand firm in the love of Jesus! Amen! Stand firm, but in love, do not compromise the Word of God.

Shari Johnson, The Jesus Chick, wrote this about last night…….

It’s hard to believe you can be 1400 miles away from home and yet feel as if you’re apart of a community. Reserve is one such town.  I believe last nights revival meeting was filled with folks desiring to hear from the Spirit of God.  What joy it was to see the fellowship and watch as new converts were excited about life in their walk with Christ. They received the word that Pastor Dewey had for them (that was hard truth) with an open heart.  We (Gloria and I) felt the power of the Spirit of God with Pastor Dewey and his leadership. We know why he does what what he does and we’re so honored to play a part!

God Bless you Sister!


A Great Read: Heaven or Hell, Where Are You Headed?

Don’t forget your Pastor! October is Pastor Appreciation Month!

Awesome message by Kathy Branzell President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force:

Praying for the Church: Thanking God for Pastors Devoted to Prayer and the Teaching of the WordFriend —

Acts 2:42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (NASB)

I love my church! I love the Church, but I am especially grateful for my local church where I get to learn from an amazing biblically-based Pastor with a heart to preach and practice, “Love one another,” and who speaks truth into our lives as he leads and loves our church and community. Our church is a place of worship, praying, studying God’s Word, taking communion, fellowship, giving, serving and of course singing. A place where we are reminded that every activity in life Sunday through Saturday is a form of worship for God and His glory!

The church, referring to the building or meeting place, is where we go to join with others to experience the presence of God and bless Him with our adoration, attention, and affection. As a follower of Jesus, we are students learning about God from His Word and responding with faith-filled lives increasingly comprehending who God is, what He thinks and commands, and the gospel message of how He loves us. The central message taught and taken out into the streets and schedules of the Church is God’s love-filled message, that He wants a personal relationship with every person He created. He demonstrated this to us by sending His one and only Son to personally suffer the punishment we all deserved for our sin. He then gave us the opportunity to choose to follow Him, live for Him and live with Him eternally. Church is about relationships; first with Jesus and then with one another. Churches are filled with imperfect people being perfected by a Perfect God. My Pastor reminds us that we are a hospital for people who need help, hope or are hurt, not a museum of perfect people. I like to think of us as a schoolhouse where people come to learn and grow in the character and calling Jesus authored for our lives. Like school students, we learn a little more every day, but are not ready to graduate after the first day. God is so wonderful and powerful, and His Word so deep that we will still be learning about Him even as we take our last breath on earth and graduate into His presence in heaven.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and whether we have one Pastor or a team of Pastors, we must always remember that shepherding requires a whole lot more than just writing and delivering a sermon on Sunday. Considerable work, wisdom and sacrifice goes into loving and teaching children, youth, and adults in various opportunities and ministries – not just on Sunday, but through every season and situation, every day. As church members, we expect a lot from our Pastors, and often spend more time evaluating their preaching, then we do receiving and responding to it with open hearts.  They are there to point us to an eternal God Who is the authority and author of the universe and our days. We are there as co-heirs in Christ, we are the family, and the laborers together in the mission field of our community and beyond.  Pastors should not be idolized nor abused; they are not our servants nor our Savior. Pastors have been called to pray, share the Word of God, and love people – which is also the calling of every believer. Our Pastors are called in Ephesians 4 to equip us, the saints of God, for the work of ministry. Within the context of the local church, they are also often called upon to oversee the business side of running a strategic and stewarding church that is spiritually and fiscally healthy.  They need our prayers, our love, and appreciation not just in October but the whole year through.

Pray and ask God how you can speak and show appreciation for the Pastors in your life this month and throughout the year. Look for a need you could meet in their life or family, surprise them with a gift, a meal, or card. Pray for them daily and remember that every teacher’s desire is to see their students live out what they have learned. Perhaps the greatest gift you can give your Pastor is to live a faith-filled, gospel-sharing, obedient life that gives God glory and increases the Church. Pray for the Church, your church, your Pastor, and every Pastor throughout October and beyond.

Let’s pray together now: Lord, thank you for those You have called to be Pastors. Thank you for all the ways that they study and share Your Word. Thank You for their love for You and for the congregation and community You have called them to shepherd. Fill them with Your presence and preaching; hear their prayers and provide all that is needed to grow Your Kingdom and give you glory. Be their strength and joy, be their Shepherd and speak powerfully to them and through them. Amen

Serving Him with Gladness,

Kathy Branzell


National Day of Prayer Task Force

P.S. We just recently made a few changes to our website, so if you’re having trouble logging on, try re-typing the address in your browser window or click this link – https://www.nationaldayofprayer.org

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