

 It is a Pastors prayer to baptize people, to help people come to Jesus, to further their relationship with Jesus. That is what I was blessed to take part in last night at FBC in Reserve. My Dear Sister in Christ Eddilu Brown, pictured above, shines her light so brightly for Jesus! Amen! What a blessing to baptize Eddilu!!!!

Billy Graham and Baptism

Several years ago my Hero of Faith, Pastor Don Kimbro of Albuquerque said to me, “The Church in America is struggling because it is not baptizing enough people, not raising them up to be mature Christians” It is so important to help people mature in Christ, to be by their side.

Last night during our Revival at FBC in Reserve I preached Heaven and Hell. It is not preached enough! The Church has lost much of its salt. Billy Graham never preached a sermon without preaching Heaven, Hell, Sin, Repentance, Forgiveness…….I preached a bit on the wrath of God……not many want to hear that! Not many want to read Revelation. Too many want their ‘ears tickled’ and too many Pastors accommodate them.

Stand firm in the love of Jesus! Amen! Stand firm, but in love, do not compromise the Word of God.

Shari Johnson, The Jesus Chick, wrote this about last night…….

It’s hard to believe you can be 1400 miles away from home and yet feel as if you’re apart of a community. Reserve is one such town.  I believe last nights revival meeting was filled with folks desiring to hear from the Spirit of God.  What joy it was to see the fellowship and watch as new converts were excited about life in their walk with Christ. They received the word that Pastor Dewey had for them (that was hard truth) with an open heart.  We (Gloria and I) felt the power of the Spirit of God with Pastor Dewey and his leadership. We know why he does what what he does and we’re so honored to play a part!

God Bless you Sister!

By the way, Shari and Gloria will be at FBC in Glenwood tonight at 6pm.

A Great Read: Heaven or Hell, Where Are You Headed?

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