Forgiveness Releases God’s Love


An 18-year old man gave a heart-wrenching victim impact statement that is spreading across social media like wildfire.

The maturity this man demonstrated is astounding. I truly believe Brandt Jean’s testimony will bring healing to many lives through his public act of forgiveness.

Brandt Jean’s brother was killed by an off-duty police officer. She entered the wrong apartment, believing it was her apartment and saw what she thought was an intruder and killed Botham Jean in his own apartment.

During Brand’s impact statement, he said, “If you truly are sorry, I know I can speak for myself, I forgive you. If you go to God and ask Him, He will forgive you.

“I’m not going to say I hope you rot and die just like my brother did, but I personally want the best for you. I don’t even want you to go to jail. I want the best for you because that’s what Botham would want you to do. And the best will be to give your life to Christ.”

This young man knows the truth of the Word of God. The best for anyone is to give your life to Christ!

No matter how heinous the sin—the crime—if anyone asks God for forgiveness, God forgives.

The Bible is full of this truth. I’ll give you a few examples.

  • Moses committed premeditated murder when he killed the Egyptian assaulting the Hebrew man.
  • King David ordered the murder of Uriah to cover his affair with Uriah’s wife.
  • Paul held the coats of the men who stoned Stephen to death.

What do these men have in common? They committed one of the greatest offenses against a person—the taking of a life. Yet they were forgiven by God and used mightily to advance His Kingdom.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that there are no consequences. There are always consequences as forgiveness does not absolve them.

Forgiveness releases God’s love. God’s love has the power to heal broken hearts and restore hope in our lives.

Brandt Jean asked the judge permission to hug his brother’s killer. That’s the love of God flowing through him. Then the judge hugged the offender and gave her a Bible before she was taken away to serve a 10-year sentence. Imagine if such compassion was shown in every courtroom across our land!

Commentator Jonathan Morris said, “Forgiveness is saying that even though I have a just cause against you, I’m going to give it up because God is the only one who is perfect.” (Click here to watch a news clip on this story.)

What if we all practiced forgiveness as the Bible instructs us? Whenever we ask God for forgiveness, we are forgiven by Him (1 John 1:9). So then let’s forgive others.

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32 NKJV).

My son, Stephen, has been convicted for murder and is in prison. My heart has grieved over my son’s part of the tragedy that unfolded. Stephen has given his life to Christ and asked for forgiveness. We have forgiven our son for straying from the ways we taught him as a child. Because of forgiveness and the love of God, I have hope for his future.

My family and I pray for those affected by my son’s role that tragic night. I’m so sorry that Stephen was there, and I wish this had never happened. I cannot undo what has been done. The best I can offer these families are my prayers. I pray for their healing, renewed hope, restoration. and that they experience the power of forgiveness through Jesus.

Let’s pray for the victims of crimes:

Lord today I pray for the victims of crimes as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I pray that they will not fear any evil, for You are with them. May Your rod and staff comfort them. I pray You fill them with hope so they may abound in joy and peace by the power of the Holy Spirit. I pray You supply all of their needs—physical, mental, and emotional healing, as well as finances—according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Lord, I ask You take all the bad things that happened and make something good come out of it as You promise to work together all things for good for those who love You, those who are called according to Your purpose. You make pathways in the wilderness and create rivers in the barren lands. I ask You to restore to them the years that the swarming locusts have eaten. The Enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give abundant life. I ask You to fill them with the abundant life that Jesus has for them. I pray that as You heal the victims and their families, that they will release the offender to You through forgiveness so they may receive the fullness of Your healing and Your peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus name, Amen.


The prayer above is adapted from my book, Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven: Petitions for Prisoner Families scheduled to be released on February 3, 2020.

About this book:

Plead Your Case in the Courtroom of Heaven

With the slam of the gavel, the hopes and dreams for your future shattered. With a judgment rendered, you or a loved one now serves time in prison. Will another court hear your pleas?

In despair about her son’s future, Shonda Whitworth petitioned the Lord on his behalf. By searching the Scriptures, she realized the Lord redeems the worst offenders and learned how to appeal to the heavenly court. Through this, she received hope from God for her son’s future.

In Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven, Shonda shares how she went from deferred hope to a hope-filled life. You will:

  • Identify biblical heroes who were lawbreakers
  • Understand the prosecutor’s strategy
  • Make effective appeals on behalf of yourself and your loved ones

Hope for you and your loved ones will be restored as you confidently plead your case to the courtroom of heaven!

About the author:

Shonda Whitworth writes, teaches, and speaks at conferences and retreats to share the hope of healing and restoration we have in Jesus. After her son landed in state prison, she realized the hardships families of prisoners encounter. She and her husband, Eldon, founded Fortress of Hope Ministries, a nonprofit organization that offers hope to families affected by incarceration. Shonda transparently shares her testimony of living with a son in prison at and

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