Thousands Attend President Trump’s Rally in Rio Rancho, NM


An estimated 9,000 people attended President Trump’s rally in Rio Rancho, NM yesterday. We are thankful that the rally was very peaceful! New Mexico shined for the most part yesterday, a great example for the United States. There were some however, that tried to spread hate, see below.


Below is an example of the hate that some office holders in the state were trying to fuel…… is a fund raising email I got yesterday, awful stuff! Trying to ignite hate for money! Makes me so very sad.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for U.S. Senate

KKIM, (I still get news releases from people thinking I am still the manager of KKIM Christian Radio)

Today’s the day — Trump has brought his campaign of hate to New Mexico in the hopes that he can divide our state and turn it red.

We were determined to send Trump a message that his bigotry and hate-fueled politics are not welcome in New Mexico. You think this will do the trick?

Picture of Maggie's billboard

This billboard is located right where Trump will be driving from the airport to his hate rally.

The billboard is part of our message to Trump. We’ve also set a simple goal: $1 for every seat in the arena where he’ll be.

Pitch in before midnight to raise $7,500 to match the seats at his hate rally and send a clear message that we reject Trump’s division in New Mexico.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Trump is the antithesis of New Mexico values.

He spreads hate, fear, and division wherever he goes. In New Mexico, we value our vibrant and diverse communities. We embrace our neighbors and our differences. We take care of each other.

We’re not taking the impact of Trump’s visit lightly. We need to show no matter how many people who show up, we will outmatch them.

Let’s go,


This is very sad! The hate Breaks my heart.


Pastor Richard Mansfield of New Beginnings Church in Albuquerque prayed at President Trumps Rally yesterday.

Everything starts and ends with prayer…….We are so super blessed to have Pastor Richard as a mentor. Years ago, one day, when I was serving as the manager of KKIM Christian Radio in Albuquerque, a lovely lady came up to me and said, “You know Dewey, Pastor Richard Mansfield is the Pastor of New Mexico!” That really had an impact on me, for over 15 years I have watched this man, I have zeroed in on him and how he lives his life. He lives for Jesus and all people. The man loves all. Preaches no hate, but the love of Jesus. I have had the blessing to have had personal talks with Pastor Richard. I have asked him for advice, for prayers, for his love. Pastor Richard has been such a blessing to me and Sharon and the ministry of FGGAM.
Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2:2
 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people– 1 Timothy 2:1
Pastor Richard Mansfield of New Beginnings Church of Albuquerque praying at President Trump’s Rally in Rio Rancho, New Mexico Sept. 16th, 2019!

From Pastor Richard Mansfield’s son, Ricky!

If you support our president or not. I’m beyond honored to say my father Richard A Mansfield was asked to do the opening prayer. Praying for our president, county, state, and city. In the Bible the leaders of countries would ask the ministers/prophets of the day to pray over and bless them. How cool my Dad is amongst them.
Here is Pastor Richard’s Prayer:

God bless you!

Mis queridos Nuevos Mexicanos
My beloved New Mexicans

Es un gran placer para mí ser elegido para representar a todos nosotros en la oración de esta noche.
It is a great pleasure for me to be chosen to represent all of us in tonight’s opening. prayer.

Por favor, pongasen de pie y inclinen sus rostros al Señor.
Please stand with me and bow your heads to the Lord…

Heavenly Father, we welcome You and Your Holy Spirit presence here with us today. We thank You for Your wonder and power. We cry out to You on behalf of our country the United States of America. You’ve been extremely gracious towards us as a nation. We ask that You keep Your righteous right hand upon us. Bless our President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania and their families as well as every person here today. We ask that You bring unity and peace over our nation and heal our land. We thank You that our President is a defender of the unborn. May our economy continue to grow and Americans continue to prosper. We thank You for the lowest unemployment rates throughout America especially among African Americans and Latinos. Continue Protecting America from terrorists and keep Your watchful eye over our troops and their families. We thank You for President Trump’s boldness and ask the You continue strengthening him and Vice President Pence as they lead this great nation of ours. Pour out Your wisdom, discernment and favor as they meet with Congress, the Members of the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court as well as World Leaders. Might they always represent us with the greatest dignity as well as honoring You. We thank You, praise You and pray in the mighty name of the Father. The Son and the Holy Spirit in Jesus name, Amen!

Viva Nuevo Mexico!
Viva America!
Viva Trump!

From Yesterday:

Lord, we pray today for the safety of all at Presidents Trump’s rally, we pray that common sense and good behavior by all will prevail and this will be a shining example to America. Lord, we pray peace and good will over New Mexico, in Jesus name, Amen!

We pray that New Mexico will shine today by showing respect to the President of the United Stews Donald Trump. ABQ Journal Report


Traffic Delays Expected

Trump Visits New Mexico With an Eye on 2020

Past Posts:

This is a time where New Mexico can shine and show respect! We pray that common sense will prevail.

This week I got an email from an elected official here in New Mexico that was full of hate about President Trump coming to New Mexico, I hardly could believe the wording!!! There is so much hate in America. Whatever happened to agreeing to disagree and not get nasty about it? I am not posting that email because that would be like pouring gas on the fire out there. Remember what the bible says about fools……..

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. Proverbs 26:4

Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words. Proverbs 23:9

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. Proverbs 12:15

We are praying that people will behave themselves with the upcoming visit of President Trump to New Mexico. Please be in prayer with us.  KOB TV Reports:

With the Rio Rancho Trump rally less than a week away, law enforcement officials are prepping to avoid a repeat of the chaos that happened during the president’s visit back in 2016.

A protest-turned-riot had people throwing rocks at buildings and police horses outside of the Albuquerque Convention Center. KOB TV REPORT

More Here: Crowds and Traffic and Rio Rancho Schools will be closed

ABQ Journal Report

God’s Word call’s the mind of the natural man “blinded” Read 2 Cor. 4:4 The scriptures also call’s the mind of the natural man, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim 6:5, “unspiritual” Col 12:18

The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs it’s thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of the Spirit. The natural mind walks the path of hopelessness and self-destruction.

Let your light shine before the darkness, let your light for Jesus show others the only true path.

As you grow in your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ your discernment will grow and you will be able to see  His light so clearly and your God given discernment will enable you to see through the darkness so clear, you will be set free more and more knowing the difference between good and evil.

Minister Stephen Lewis posted this yesterday:

a message about representing Christ online and in public

Episode 54

Thanks for tuning in to my latest episode. In this podcast I will be addressing a very important topic that involves our behaviors and how we can represent in the right way. It is so easy to get sucked into a conversation that turns into an argument while on social media or even in person. I will be referencing important verses from 2nd Timothy that we can glean from in our daily lives on how to stay focused on how to represent as followers of Jesus Christ. We are living in a digital age where everyone is sharing their opinions on social media which can be a great tool; it’s just a matter of knowing how to react and remember who we are supposed to be in the world. My prayer is that this podcast will shed light on ways in which we all can behave and handle conversations as followers of Jesus Christ. God Bless You all and I look forward as always to reading your comments and thanks in advance for sharing this with others.

MP3 Version:

Video Version:

Tribune Content Agency

How can there be hope in such perplexity?

Sep 16, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy GrahamQ: Human nature is complex and when I try to reason out why we as people struggle within ourselves, it leaves me weary and troubled. How can there be hope in such perplexity? — W.W.

A: Think of all the advancements in medicine, communications and technology the human race has made in the last century or so. We should be grateful that God has given man the ability to make this kind of progress.

But also think of the tragic fact that these same centuries have seen the most devastating wars in human history. In spite of our accomplishments, we humans are still a painful mixture of good and bad, love and hate, joy and sorrow. We have the ability to reach the moon, instantly communicate with someone on the other side of the globe, and cure many diseases, but we can also destroy millions with the press of a button. When people put hope in themselves and their fellowman, and even in what mankind has accomplished, it will lead to despair because no man or woman can solve the world’s problems; only Christ Jesus can do that.

Even those of us who have committed our lives to Jesus Christ often do things we don’t want to do, and we don’t do the things we ought to do (Romans 7:19-20). That is why we need to open our hearts continually to Christ and allow Him to take away our sin and self-centeredness. Only He can make us new; only He can change our hearts and make us more like Himself.

We must not be satisfied to remain the same. We don’t have to stay the same as we have been in the past, burdened down with sin and regret. We must open our hearts and lives to Christ’s transforming power and follow Him.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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