UPDATED: NM State Forestry Responds to Concerns Over USDA Forest Service Mexican Spotted Owl Injunction





Pray with me that this gets worked out for the people of New Mexico!

We pray that common sense prevails here…….

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

This is so very sad to hear! As I travel New Mexico I see so many Hauling wood in their truck for themselves and their neighbors or to put the wood up for sale. Many make a living selling wood. So many homes in rural New Mexico are heated by wood in including the parsonage at FBC in Reserve. Many use wood to cook their meals. This is the time of year when I normally see many trucks full of wood.

Thank you KRQE and the Albuquerque Journal for these reports:

KRQE Report

Albuquerque Journal Report

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