More of my story…… When I was 7, my parents were going through a separation and divorce. It was my 7th birthday April 23rd 1977. My Omi Grandma Fitch took me to her church for a farewell party for Evelyn, my favorite Sunday School teacher. We were eating and celebrating her. They were playing her favorite hymns in the background. The hymn playing in the background that broke me, was Just as I am. I knelt at a chair and began to cry during the party. Evelyn my teacher, my pastor and my Omi gathered around me and began to pray over me. I asked Jesus to be my Lord. That was over 42 years ago. I never knew how important or vital that choice would prove to be. I am far from perfect, and have made many a mistake. BUT GOD! 2 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with 2 new diseases, one life threatening one. It starts on the inside, and the results of what is in the inside shows on the outside. That is kind of like our hearts, what is in the inside, eventually is what comes out on the outside. In complete honesty, I have seen both this past year and a half. I have seen Gods heart come out, and the not so good as well. I vowed one thing through this journey, I vowed to be honest. I have seen too many people act like they were walking on water and not being real, they felt they had too. That is not me, it has been so hard, I want to be real with you! But I have held on, I never let go, I never will. But, if people think that my journey was a piece of cake, and they go through a hard patch, and they are not walking on water, I have done them a disservice. Jesus never promised an easy journey, He just promised He would never leave me, nor forsake me. HE HAS NOT! When Evelyn gave me a bible April 23rd 1977 she made me promise to read something on April 24th. I kept that promise. I read in Luke 8 43:-48 about the woman with the issue of blood. I probably did not have the full understanding at the age of 7, but I have gravitated to it my whole life. This past year and half I have pictured myself crawling on the ground, searching for Jesus, just wanting to touch the hem of His garment and hear Him say, “daughter, be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” That is my heart anyway. This week, while I have had people praying for my adrenal glands to grow back, I have talked to God about my faith, do I believe He can do this, YES, do I personally have the faith for it? Not sure I do, my prayer has been, Lord, please increase my faith. Then, I thought about Lazarus, it was not about his faith, he was dead, what faith is there when you are dead? It was all about our Lord! So day by day, I will make it about my Lord, I will try to be the best version of me, and I will hold on tight! Sometimes it is not about us, IT’S ALL ABOUT HIM! If my story, somehow, could touch just one person, that would completely bless my heart. If somehow God could get glory and praise because He is good and faithful, that would bless my heart! But please, do not be misunderstood, life can be so hard that you hold on so tight, cling to Him, Hold on to His word, and praise Him, and yet harder than you ever thought you could bear, remember, HE is a GOOD, GOOD FATHER. HE LOVES YOU, HE HAS YOUR VERY BEST interest at heart! HE ENDURED THE CROSS! Side note, my name is Nicole, it means Victory of the people, OVERCOMER! #PURPOSE!!!
From April of 2018:
Pastor Dewey Moede Co-Founder of FGGAM received this email this week. We wanted to share it with you, to boast in our Lord and to inspire you in your relationship with others. The words we speak into others can be eternal…..Scott worked with Dewey at WFRN Christian radio in South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana back in the early 90’s. Speak Jesus into others….the love of Jesus.
As the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD.” 2 Corinthians 10:17
So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
One of Pastor Dewey’s favorite sayings that he has had for years is….”Integrity makes decisions based on eternal implications”
As I sit in a waiting room at South Bend’s Memorial Hospital, I can’t help remember all the time that we spent in this same hospital over two decades ago. With five pregnancies in just four and a half years, it was a time in our lives we will never forget. I started working in the sales department at WFRN radio just one month before our first baby was born (she’s 25 now). I’ve been reading about the Israelites journey from Egypt to the promise land recently, and it is clear that not only was God dealing with them in the present, He was also preparing them for what was to come. Looking back, my time at WFRN represents a wilderness journey for me. Four premature babies, a miscarriage, and two funerals shaped both me and my path. As a young parent, I was still finding my way into adulthood and learning to become the leader of my home. In that time, and in that place, you became my “Moses”. My wife and I had plenty of passion for the Lord, but applying that into our everyday lives in the midst of physical, emotional and financial stress wasn’t always clear. Thank you for being more than just my boss. Thank you for being more than a counselor, a mentor, and my “coach”. Thank you for being my friend.
Much time has passed now, and our paths have led us in different directions. No longer am i a young man, I am grandpa. My wife and I are now serving full time with Time to Revive and are able to see God do some incredible and amazing things. Our journey is far from over, but I feel like in spite of all these things, we are living in the promised land. Thanks for the memories Dewey, and most of all, thanks for still calling me your friend.
Much love to you and many blessings to FGGAM,
Scott & Nicki Troyer
Thanks for all you do!
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Scott Troyer
email: stroyer@timetorevive.com “Revival not only changes those we encounter, |