Deeper Than Yesterday… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Deeper Than Yesterday…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Yesterday, I shared the opening remarks of the Healing Waters Women’s Conference 2019, Believe and Be Free in my post The Water Is Stirring, Jump! Today, I wanted to continue on to the second day as we went deeper in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is how we opened that meeting on that beautiful Saturday morning, the last day in August on Labor Day Weekend 2019.

Good morning beautiful people. Are you ready to go deeper? Today, let’s open our hearts before our Creator. Let’s give him permission to do a deep work in each of us. He knows all, sees all. Nothing is hidden from him. He is our God and we are his women. We are women of destiny, Amen? Nobody loves us like Jesus, nobody. Nothing can fill the human heart like he can.

There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God, beautiful people, nothing. He loves you with an everlasting love. When you understand the Father’s love, you can run to him everyday and say daddy, I need you. I need you more today than I did yesterday. Daddy, I want to know your will about this situation. Daddy, I want to know your plan for my life. I need your healing touch on my life, daddy. You know about the doctors diagnosis, right daddy? I need some financial help daddy. Can’t you see how I have been struggling? Daddy you won’t turn away from me, will you? I messed up again today daddy, now what?

Daddy, you knew about the rape, the abuse, the disappointments, the abortion, everything daddy? Nothing escapes your watchful eye. You saw how many times I have been married and it’s still not working out. I wondered where you were? You see all of my life struggles. Daddy, what do you say, daddy what do you say?

He says to come, come my daughters, come to the healing waters of Jesus Christ. Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says come, come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Jesus is calling us this morning to deeper waters. Enter in. Close your eyes and pay no attention to anything or anybody around you this morning. Jesus is in the house. He is so worthy of our praise. Praise him any way you desire. Let him know he is your hearts desire.

Pam Ouellette (worship leader) from Van Buren, Maine we welcome you back once again. Lead us to the throne room of Jesus Christ. Take us in to the Holy of Holies. Take us in by the blood of the lamb.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for your love. It is beyond what our human minds can comprehend. You know everything about every person on earth, as we were all created in your image. You desire to journey life with us, so we can live free in you.

Father, no matter what a person is going through today whether woman, man or child- your love made a way for them. Draw each of us closer by your side, we pray.

Father, take us deeper today, we pray. Deep calleth unto deep. Our hearts are open before you. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people, drink deep today. His love is amazing.

Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. John 7:38

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