A Safe Harbor


We are so super blessed to share with you this wonderful message from Pastor Rick Frederickson! God Bless you Pastor Rick and Sue! We are so very thankful for you both!

A safe harbor

We took a trip recently to Door County, Wisconsin. It was beautiful – filled with forests, fields and orchards. However, as we drove from village to village one feature stood out above all others – the harbors.

During the short time we were there those harbors were pleasant and inviting – and very busy! People were coming and going from the many motor and sailing boats that were docked there. But the harbors served another purpose. They gave boats a place to anchor during storms.

One afternoon we too embarked on a boat for a short tour of the Lake Michigan coast. Most of the coast was rocky and lined with tall cliffs. There were many large and small islands. And there were dangerous shoals to avoid. Without guidance, the waters could be treacherous.

So lighthouses were placed in strategic places. The tour guide told us that the lighthouses were placed in various locations to give three different messages; 1) you are here 2) come here to safety 3) stay away, it’s not safe.

It struck me that God, in his wisdom and grace, also provides us with lighthouses. God strategically places them in our lives to tell us where we are, which harbors to go to for safety, and how to stay away from unsafe waters.

The most important and strategic lighthouse he gives us is the Bible: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. God has given us His word to shine His light on where we are, guide us into harbors of safety, and show us what is unsafe.

There are other good and strategic lighthouses as well. Christian family, friends and fellowship, and a church home. They all provide us direction, safety and good harbors.

Just like the boats on Lake Michigan, we too need a safe place to anchor in the storms and trials of life.

The best harbor we have is God himself:

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.

When the storms of life blow, when the waters of doubt get too deep, and when the shoals of sin and shame threaten to sink us, there is but one sure and safe harbor – God.

Look to God for strength and shelter. Follow the lighthouses that He has provided you. Know that your hope, safe harbor and protection are found in Him.

Rick Frederickson, Pastor

Springfield United Methodist Church
Springfield, MN
507-723-6698 (Church)

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