Today ‘For God’s Glory Alone Ministries’ is 7 Years Young!! PTL!!!


Today ‘For God’s Glory Alone Ministries’ is 7 years young! Sharon and I are in AWE of GOD! We look back and think of the last 7 years and we see the works of God. When we look at today we see God at work. It is an extreme blessing to see the work of God and His miracles. From Preaching, to Revivals, to Radio broadcasts, to TV (We do not to TV now, we used to) so many funerals, which are a blessing to do for the families, weddings!, counseling, and FGGAM.ORG where God has us reaching thousands a month all over His world. This is all God, not us. The big thing I keep learning and seeing it it is all God, we just have to behave ourselves and not do anything stupid. We have to hold God’s hand in all we do and say! Amen! Thank you to our Board of Directors Bill Ruhl Wannel Bob Pate Barbara Gould Sonia Haylett Our Advisory Board, Walter Bradley Paul Holt Leonard-Diana Navarre Don KimbroJD Vasquez and many more mentors! We also thank all the faithful donors to FGGAM, without you, this would be so very hard. We thank all of the writers for God at FGGAM.ORG there would be no website outreach without you all! We thank all of our readers and radio listeners! We also thank all of the Pastors who have honored us and trusted us with their congregation to come and preach! Thank you to Pastor Paul Holt and Isaac Milleson for all of their dedication in the operation of the FGGAM.ORG website and Shari Hardway Johnson for all of her wonderful graphics! Most of all I give thanks to God and to my wife Sharon who over the years has given up so much, more than you will ever to know, I love my Lord and my Sharon and family and doggy’s so very much. Thank you Lord for what you are doing in my life!

I hang my hat on this life verse……..“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

Please Pray About a Donation

IMPORTANT PS! Doug Moore of WFRN Radio in Elkhart, Indiana, who is a supporter of FGGAM, reminded me that Dewey’s Daily Cup started in 1997 and evolved by God into FGGAM 7 years ago!!! Also Doug made me think, I started in Christian radio in 1986 at WFEN working for Doug’s Dad and Mom, Ed and Jan Moore. I have been in ministry since 1986….from radio, TV, newspaper, Dewey’s Daily Cup, Preacher, Public Speaker, FGGAM, advisor/consultant……God has super blessed me!

That is why God told me to name the ministry ‘For God’s Glory Alone” that sums up my life, all sold out for God! Amen!

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