The Womb Has A Voice… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Womb Has A Voice…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Today, we will celebrate my youngest grandsons first birthday. As I tied the ribbon around his special present, I found myself thinking of all the babies that never had the opportunity to celebrate life. I found myself praying and asking God to reverse Roe V Wade once again. Abortion was never and will never be the answer.

I know my message isn’t popular in the culture we live in, but I just cannot remain silent. As I read Isaiah 58:1 once again this morning, I know I must always speak on behalf of the unborn. Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the descendants of Jacob their sins. Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for life. It was your idea before time ever began. Forgive mankind their selfishness as you have mercy upon us. Father, thank you for healing the women across this globe that have been impacted by such a horrific procedure. Forgive our country for allowing abortion to be legal.

Father, thank you for revealing truth. May the world know that every life is valuable and has a God given destiny. Life was your idea. Amen

NO! Mommy Don’t Do It

Knock knock hi mom I’m here-do you sense me…do you feel me…do you know I am here. I’m connected in your womb. I’m your Jeremiah child….

Mom what will I be someday: A doctor, nurse, teacher or clerk. Oh Mom what was does my future hold?

Mom you seem sad, depressed, anxious, confused are you Ok?

Mom your not happy about me are you?

Mom who are you talking to? What are they saying?

Mom No! No! I am not just a blob of tissue? No No that’s a lie!

Mom are you thinking straight? Can you hear my cry?

I want to live, I want to live, I want to live, Oh God I want to live…….

A quick procedure it’ll all be over soon, I heard them say……..Please God send someone to tell mom the truth I cry……

I sense the room is dark and cold, I sense I’m losing my life today…

I hear them talking again, I believe it’s almost time …

On no! It’s really true my mom she bought the lie…

Now I must die……..

I hear the noises, I feel the pain…….My life is over… it’s my end.

Mom I say good-bye……

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